OFF Phase 2 Info



Needed List of Installing OFF on VISTA 32

The goal here is to devise a list that is as 'idiot-proof' as possible,
Because there's a whole bunch of Newbies out there.

One fellow was unequipped with a copy of CFS3
He honestly didn't know it was needed, yet he found his way here

"Where there's smoke, there's fire." :d
One thing that helps get games in general running smoother is to use this :

Set up Vista in the old Windows Classic look.

On your Vista install, you don't have, (I can't find the file that has it) a workaround for the DEP. (Data Execution Prevention) which can cause headaches by not letting games or other programs run, or it will block certain game files from time to time, causing games or software to crash. So for Vista it is a personal guideline that I add all my games and software to the DEP list. To do this, do as follows:

1. Right click on my computer, then click on properties

2. Click on Advanced System Settings

3. Under the "Advanced" tab the first line Performance, click on the settings button

4. Click on the Data Execution Prevention tab

5. Make sure the box for Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select:

6. Click on the add button, and navigate to your OFF exe file in your OFF directory, and add it to the list.

7. Repeat this process for all your games and software that you want the Windows watchdog to leave alone.

In XP you could go to the windows file and edit the DEP setting to turn it off completely, which freed up issues with the software, and also freed up a little bit of resources, as it wasn't a running application after editing.

I would like to find where the settings for the DEP reside in Vista so we could turn it off like in XP, so as to avoid having to do this for software.

Another thing that helps with all applications is to:

1. Go to the windows Control panel, and open it.

2. Open up User Accounts

3. Click on Turn User Account Control on or off

4. Turn UAC to off. If you are on a network, and are worried about unauthorized changes, you'll need to decide if this option is for you. Since I run on a single computer that isn't connected to any network, it isn't a big issue for me personally.

When asked to restart your computer, do so. It's always good to restart your computer after making any changes.
Vista saves money

Thanks to VISTA I have an extra $1700 in my pocket and a 4 year old XP :applause:computer in my house.(The computer is doing well)

i have been asked again and again, via pm and eMail, and i realized there is not even a sticky after the forum crash on how to install OFF phase 2 in this official forum - or if i did not find it.

So can we make this a sticky ? I know OFF Phase 3 is near, but anyone who played Phase 2 will most probably try to get his or her hands on P3 - i'm sure !

This is from older posts (If you have problems due to using the CFS3 DVD instead of the earlier 2 CDs scroll down near the end of this text):

First shut off any Antivirus program, and any other running program just to make sure.

1. Install MS's "Combat Flight simulator 3"
2. Install the CFS3 3.1 patch
3. Install the CFS3 3.1a patch

4. Run Combat Flight Simulator 3 once, fly a mission, shoot down some planes or get shot, whatever - and exit CFS3. (This is needed to generate a directory tree for savegames etc. on your harddisk. You do not need to save anything, or start a campaign in CFS3.)

Then install OFF (unpacking and installing can take a while, do not interrupt the process - make sure the install goes to the right directory, usually C:\Program files\Microsoft Games\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields):

5. Run OverFlandersFieldsPhase2ReleaseV1.0.exe (790 Mb)
6. Run OverFlandersFieldsPhase2SkinsV1.0.exe (1.01 Gb)
7. Run OverFlandersFieldsPhase2VidsV1.0.exe (530 Mb)
8. Run OverFlandersFieldsPhase2UpdateV1.9.exe (168 Mb)
9. Run OverFlandersFieldsPhase2V1.9eFinalHotfix.exe (57 Mb)

If you want to play over the internet you can install (optionally):

(10.) OverFlandersFieldsPhase2Multiplayer.exe (88kb)

(11.) If there is a problem with a "MSSTDFMT.dll" you should unpack and install MSSTDFMT, and register it via the "execute" window that can be found above XP's Start button at the lower left of your screen.

Then run the "cfs3config.exe" FROM THE CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields FOLDER (not the one in the original CFS3 game), and adjust according to the readme, or FAQs from Polovski.

Remember to have the second CD in your CD/DVD tray when you play. If you have the DVD version *, it will not have to be in the tray after installing.

Now you are ready to take "OFF" :wavey:

* If you have the CFS3 DVD:

Copy the "CFS3.exe" from the CSF3 install into the OFF game folder - delete the old "shell.exe" there first, or backup the file with a different name (e.g. Oldshell.exe). Then rename the copied "CFS3.exe" in the OFF folder to "shell.exe".

or in other words:

1) Navigate to where you installed your DVD version of CFS3 and locate the main CFS3 folder: (mostly) C:\Program files\Microsoft Games\Combat Flight Simulator 3

2) Copy the main "CFS3.exe" file from C:\Program files\Microsoft Games\Combat Flight Simulator 3 to your main OFF folder, i.e. to: C:\Program files\Microsoft Games\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields

3) Delete the OFF file "shell.exe" in : ...\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields.

4) Rename the newly copied "CFS3.exe" to "Shell.exe" and you should be good to go!

B.T.W. "Over Flanders Fields" Phase 3 "Between Heaven and Hell" takes care of these new DVD versions of CFS3, and all this will not be needed.

I hope i got that right, feel free to correct or add anything,
thanks and greetings,
off2 mp

ok, this is the first time i have ever seen a mention of the OverFlandersFieldsPhase2Multiplayer.exe

I dont have the file, and at the expense of getting chewed out for not looking for it (lol.....just had to....) can someone post a link to it...

Hello Sittingduck,
it's only 88 k, so if you drop me a pm with your eMail adress ..
Okay, I have the Ubisoft "Exclusive" DVD of CFS 3. How do I determine what the version is? Or, in another manner of speaking, how do I determine what it is "patched" to?
Hmm... Installed OFF phase2 as per the instructions. Changed all .exe files
in the \CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\ directory to windows xp (service
pack 2) compatability. Seems to be working fine. I am running Windows
Vista Home Premium as my OS.
Install Over Flanders Fields Phase2
ON VISTA 32 bit

For all the members to SOH, this is how it must be don without a fuzz to install OFF P2
Like you can see there is mutch info on installing OFF P2 but the info is spread out so I made up in my mind, will it not be good to merge this info in one thread (maybe make it even a sticky) so it will be mutch easyer for other members to install OFF P2 without to mutch fuzz and irritation for them that comes after me.

So the info that is given you here is not from my selve this is info from all the members on SOH that already installed the game and share there knolidge with us so thanks to them I was able to install OFF P2 by all means I’m very greatfull so this is my thanks.

First off all I have an operating system that is fore some members to slow but I made it to work smooth and easy without to mutch FPS (Like latenancy if you go online “stottering”)
My system is a LENOVO (IBM) lappy
Intel (R) Dual CPU @ 1.60 GHZ Memory is 1 giga RAM
32bit operating system Windows VISTA HOME PREMIUM
My Video card is on board when asked for I will give you the details for it but it is not so heavy.
So if you have a faster system it will work for sjure!

On the install it is very inportent that you have a clean CFS3 vanilla install
(to newbees like myself it means an untoutched original install no krack from torrentz or what so ever)
Normally (if you already installed PTO or ETO expantion that you can find on CFS3 general discutions) it will not be any problem, it is very inportent that you take it in account if you have installed CFS3 Firepower that you need to begin from scratch 1 all over.
(Because the install for Firepower wil change your original CFS3 install)

The next info that you wil read is typed in that way like you you need to begin from scratch 1
It is always a good advice that you always install on the default pad.
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games
so this info will referring to that default pad if you installing or installed your games on a different pad you have to calculate it in for your selves.
For example you already have installed CFS3 and other add ons like PTO and ETO you have alsow already installed OFF P2! But the following problems are on your install

(You can play missions and quick combat but cant play campains you have a flickering screen the game says that the mission cant load because of missing files the game says that the mission wont load because there is no latitude)
Take it from me this works! and only on this based install it will work.

You can do this on to ways
1: Only delete the install for OFF P2 and CFS3 original game

My advice is to delete everything and start all over if the problem is like it is typed above you have a conflict and you will not find the conflict believe me.

That said this is what you should do:
First you UN install all the add ons by all means do not yet un install CFS3 original game WAIT!
1: First you do this Remove all existing CFS3 add ons copy past this next line klick on Computer and paste it in the adres line and enter:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games
DON’T toutch the original yet, DELETE ALL THE OTHER FILES THAT ARE INVOLVED WITH CFS3 right klicking on the folder press shift when you do this and keep pressing it and klick delete when you do this it wont pas on the recycle bin
2: The next fase is to copy the next line klick on Computer and paste it in the adres line and enter:
C:\Documents and Settings\'YOUR WINDOWS USER NAME'\Application Data\Microsoft\
Again DON’T toutch the original yet, DELETE ALL THE OTHER FILES THAT ARE INVOLVED WITH CFS3 right klicking on the folder press shift when you do this and keep pressing it and klick delete when you do this it wont pas on the recycle bin
3: The next fase is again copy the next line:
So like it is an never ending story DON’T toutch the original yet, DELETE ALL THE OTHER FILES THAT ARE INVOLVED WITH CFS3 right klicking on the folder press shift when you do this and keep pressing it and klick delete when you do this it wont pas on the recycle bin
If you did all this normaly everthing is gone on the add ons part
now you do this
4: The next fase is copy past again the line:
Control Panel\Programs and Features
Left klick one time on the CFS3 install and Uninstall it let the uninstaller do its work
When it is finisched you copy past the next lines and deleting this folders entirely
1: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Combat Flight Simulator 3
2: C:\Documents and Settings\'YOUR WINDOWS USER NAME'\Application Data\Microsoft\Combat Flight Simulator 3
3: C:\Users\'YOUR WINDOWS USER NAME'\Documents\Combat Flight Simulator 3.0

6: GO TO CONTOL PANNEL AND KLIK ON Region and Language options set these to Englische USA

On the install it is easy

First you instal patch V3.1
Then V3.1a
You need that!
After that you defrag your system again and restart
3: Play CFS3 yes you do if you don’t the install on OFF P2 will not succeed.
If you play I advice that you make asjure you been hit kill an enemy plauter in to the ground land it makes no deference just play for a while and close up
In the following orther these installers are on your CD that is provided you.
Every installer you run you run it by right klicking and run as an administrator if you don’t your system can say that the program isn’t working ok and maybe needed to be installing again, every conflict you have on the install is a bad one

1. OverFlandersFieldsPhase2ReleaseV1.0
2. OverFlandersFieldsPhase2SkinsV1.0
3. OverFlandersFieldsPhase2VidsV1.0
4. OverFlandersFieldsPhase2UpdateV1.9
5. OverFlandersFieldsPhase2V1.9eFinalHotfix

Last phase

When the install is complete you are about very close to the end line but you need to do firs again a defrag if you did that you right klick on the desktop icon for OFF P2 go to properties and click on run as an administrator and run it on XP sevice pack 2 this is alsow very inportent to make the game work.
When you did do this you run first the application (OFF P2 dektop icon) when it starts it will say now Over Flanders Fields will self initialize don’t interrupt this face when it is complete don’t play just yet klick on leave go to the next line
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields
Right klick on CFS3Config and send it to your desktop and run the configuration when it is don you may delete the config application on your desktop
NOW YOU MAY RUN YOUR GAME OFF P2 How to play you just make a pilot and off you go​

As an extra for our dearest VISTA Users there is a problem to getting online with CFS3 now your troubles are over for once and for all
the thing is that there is an aplication named shell on this next line:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields

That Shell aplication is your sollution copy it (DONT CUT)


C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Combat Flight Simulator 3

then just go to properties set these to run as administrator and set these alsow on
XP service pack 2 go out and refresh your data to make sjure go back to

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Combat Flight Simulator 3

right klick the Shell aplication and send it to your desktop i renamed it CFS3 online
dont rename it in the properties

klick it the game will run

there is a possebillety that your fire wall will block an ip entery you need to unblock it then first.
there is alsow a possebillety that you screen settings dont give you a side bar in the in game,
just go to display settings and set these for a moment to 800x600 and back again and the problem will be gone
just klick on multiplayer tab and join a privet game here with ip connection they are posted here for game on or game off on CFS3
Enjoy and thanks OFF P2 team and Deadmeat1971 for finding out
Cool! I've got a lot of good intel on OFF Phase 2. I'd be more than happy to answer questions for noobs, at least until my copy of BHAH arrives. Then I'll be busy............
