OFF Phase 2


Ya gotta be part of the OFF community to get a copy of OFF phase 2. We don't let just anyone have a copy ya know.

Oh wait you posted here and asked ...guess that makes you part of the community :d

If you are in the USA then pm me your addy and I will send you a copy on monday. I just got my copy from scotmal and will burn some copies at work monday as my burner went....belly...up.:redf:

If you are from elsewere then post a location here and see if anyone nearby can get you a copy.

and if they get the data base back up look for the thread about getting phase 2 and repost it there.
Just in case they cant retrieve threads about DVD swaps of OFF phase 2, any chance any of your members would be willing to send a copy to Australia, I know of a few people who would love to get their hands on a copy in this country.
Cheers :wavey:
Hey spooky. There is a bunch of folks in Australia who have copies of P2. Hopefully they get all the threads back up soon. Im sure somebody over there would help you out.
Hey spooky. There is a bunch of folks in Australia who have copies of P2. Hopefully they get all the threads back up soon. Im sure somebody over there would help you out.

excellent when I saw the forum probs I cringed for a sec. :jump:
I need a copy of OFF 2! I will gladly pay for express shipping and any cost for the DVD!