OFF Phase 3 Current status - Post 1.2




As most will know Patch/update 1.2 is out and downloadable now.

We will now turn to address the niggles and bugs i.e the non showstoppers.

We will be monitoring the boards and picking these up as we go as well as fixing those that we already know about.
Please remember the database is huge and to test every scenario is nigh impossible... so you will have a fair chance of seeing some.
When posting these please try to keep the thread heading reasonable in terms of the 'dramatisation' - or simply drop us an e-mail.


I have a few flights under my belt now with 1.2 installed and it is excellent. Great job!

If you are collecting 'niggles', here is a small one. In my current Fe2 campaign with 18-RFC in Sept 1916 there are tents on the airfield (Lavieville). My flight leader and wingies like to crash into them on takeoff. Perhaps we should order those army blokes to move elsewhere?
Hi Winder, I know its as unimportant as can be but for distant future consideration maybe...when flying QC with wingers all crafts wearing different squadron skins would be very nice :wiggle:
Thanks WM, a niggle of mine, although no one else has commented on it, (a problem with my install?)is that when a German aircraft is overflying allied territory it appears to be fired at by black AA whereas it should be white. I've noticed this in both QC and Campaign. Flying for Germany in QC the AA fire is correct. I also thought I noticed in campaign when flying for Germany that British a/c were being fired on by white AA (although I'll have to double check that)

Only a small point I know, but it would be nice if it could be looked at

Thanks for the ongoing support


This is something that I have noticed a lot but have not verified with the new patch. When I set a plane on fire, it will just continue to fly in a straight line and gradually get lower and lower until it crashes. It will often take six or seven minutes with the plane on fire. I actually have a screen shot of this on my other computer. Sometimes I will even get notice of the kill while it is still several thousand feet up and it will turn into the black dot on the radar. I have never seen any of the spectacular deaths in some of the videos that have been posted, everyone seems to just gently crash into the ground despite having destroyed dozens of enemy a/c. I know those crazy spectacular spinning or burning deaths exist because I have seen videos of them, I just have never encountered any so maybe it is a bug specifically related to my set up. Any ideas?

Thanks WM, a niggle of mine, although no one else has commented on it, (a problem with my install?)is that when a German aircraft is overflying allied territory it appears to be fired at by black AA whereas it should be white. I've noticed this in both QC and Campaign. Flying for Germany in QC the AA fire is correct. I also thought I noticed in campaign when flying for Germany that British a/c were being fired on by white AA (although I'll have to double check that)

Strange. All Archie is black on my end, on both sides of the lines, regardless of who I fly for. My sliders are all 5s except terrain is 4, if the different settings make different colors. I'd thought nothing of it until you mentioned it, because I didn't think the Brit army still used black powder fillers, even though the RN still did for certain types of shells.

But anyway, I'd like to thank the OBD team for OFF, which is great by itself, and 1.2, which makes it so much better.
Just installed the game a few days ago and patched it to 1.2. Just wanted to say this is some flight-sim game. So far, I'm enjoying the hell out of it. Haven't had this much fun since RB3D. Great job, gentlemen! Thanks.
MaiD--You aren't one of the guys from Car Talk, are you? :kilroy: