off3 mp game,,,,815ish edt for everyone



sorry pol....didnt see that post...

should have a game up by 815.......will be on teamspeak

lets give pd's first mission some testing....
Thanks again Duck. That was fun. Good to see MP is working real good.

Hi guys,

Did you follow the waypoints all the way and back home.

there were enemy recon as well as enemy fighters at the far end of the mission

did all the flyables have a virtual cockpit?
if not i will re release it

the dh-2 was to be used as a obsevation plane and mark the trucks,troops,and enemy field.IT NEEDS A HUMAN PILOT.

i have another ill release late tonight and i have put a spawns folder in it that all player's have to have in their game ot the enemy aircraft wont take off from the airfield as tou approach it.
more info to follow

my missions are takeing the concept of survival being the most important factoy with shooting,and bombing sucess secondary.

feedback on my questions please.

mp game down

never did get to the fighters...we all ran out of ammo.

next time.......
Camel VC

Howdy, PD.

I wasn't at the MP session, but when I ran the mission in Single player, I started the mission with a closeup view of the forward bulkhead of my Camel... as if my eyes were in my kneecaps! The VC seemed to be there, what I could see of it anyway, just the eyepoint was off for me. If I moved my eyepoint all the way back and all the way up I could just barely look over my guns through the sight. Am I making any sense...? HTH
you are indeed ZOM

the corrected mission will be uploaded shortly as well as another i am working on.
i will ask that this one be removed after the fix is up.

also,disregard the question on the dh-2 as it is in the second mission upload.
sorry for the confusion guy's,its all mine :costumes:

its been fixed

the ammended mission is on site now

and another one is there now too although i have asked them to rename it to phase-3 as it does say 2.

HI PD I had that same Camel VC view issue Zommoz had, just as he described.
I wonded if it had been just me, as WartHog had been flying a Camel too and had not complained.

please put your teamspeak info up to when you post your ip for game. I having problems with my mic before at least i can hear everyone.