OFFManager error at Go to Field



I have studied the FAQs and scoured the forums... Has anybody had this error popup when the game tries to start. I have been playing OFF BHaH for a week now and never saw this error before. My CFS3 v 3.1 runs with the CD #2 in my DVD drive with no issues. I did a fresh install of CFS3 and patched to version 3.1. I installed OFF phase3 from the distribution DVD and as I said, the game has been running with no issues until today. Any ideas?

Hi Paint,

Yes, I had this exact problem (i.e., the same message) when I first installed OFF3 a week ago. It has also popped up again, just yesterday.

I reported the problem to OBD Support when it first happened, and they suggested a number of things to try. But what finally solved it (go figure) was just enlisting another pilot in a different squad, and trying again.

The squad I've had problems with, both last week and again yesterday, was the LafEsc. I haven't reported yesterday's recurrence, bcause I was able to get the game to run again by switching to a different pilot in another squad.
Thanks Interlocutor.

Yes please try that OlPaint01, try another squad and let us know.

We'll add it to the issues. If it seems to be that one squad all the time will help narrow it down.

If it is LafEsc, can you tell me what date you enlisted in there?
Salute! Pol
I am still in flight school (Quick Combat). I have been flying with Jasta 7, KEK Bantheville from Martincourt airfield outside Verdun for over a week since I installed OFF. I enlisted 01/03/1916. The March winds are cold but no snow on the ground. I get a popup from the weather boys that all flights are cancelled due to winter weather but I still get to fly under sunny skys with high cirrus. I am UberLt rank mounted on a Fokker EIII against a Brit in an Airco DH2 and have been getting a runway start. We are both veterans. Now when I tap the Go To Field button I get the engine-start audio track with pilot's voice yelling Contact to play and then get the error message from OFFManager that it cannot find the CD. I get dumped back to the UI screen.

I played around a little this afternoon and finally got the game to load one time for a free flight mission flying south to the Front and back with a safe landing back at the aerodrome. The trick was: I ejected the CFS3 CD and reinserted it back into my DVD drive - autorun brought up CFS3 intro screen with the PLAY button showing over OFFManger UI screen. I cancelled CFS3 with the X-box then tapped the Go To Field button and got game to run once. I took a break for Supper and came back to the same bloody error message - unable to fly again. This is very frustrating!!!

I followed Interloctor's advise and retired my pilot and started a new career as a Brit pilot for RNAC-1 at St. Pol outside Dunkirk. Low and Behold the game loaded and ran. I shoot down an Albe II who was attacking my airfield. Gosh, I love this game.

OK, Why the error message from OFFManager that is cannot find the disk that is already in my DVD drive? The disk drive and my ancient CD runs fine autostarting CFS3.

Just a thought...

... my CFS3 disks are the old original ones. When I put in disk 2, it never autostarts. I believe there is no autostart file on the original Disk 2. Perhaps you have a newer version...?
OP, I'm glad the new pilot trick worked.

Pol, when this error happens to me, it's always after the "bad weather, all flights cancelled" message which OP mentioned in connection with his own difficulties. Maybe that's a clue?
OK thanks guys, yes seems to be with that message (although here I don't get a problem) we'll look into it thanks for the details.

My CFS3 game plays with either CD#1 or CD#2 in my DVD drive. I discover that while playing around trying to make OFF launch to the game. I got the CFS3 Intro Screen to display with the PLAY button showing when I inserted CD#1 as expected. When I closed the CFS3 window, OFF started. But that only happened one time.


I think you may be on to something here. I thought that the "All Flights Cancelled..." meant that you could not Fly - period. But when I hit the DONE button on the message screen, I have always gotten to fly my next Quick Combat training mission. Maybe we uncovered a logic glitch in OFFManager. I thought a Weather related Cancel meant that we returned to barracks to await a break in the weather forecast.The career I first started with Jasta 7 has always popped up the Fight Cancelled screen. As you suggested, when I retired my German pilot and started a new career with my Brit in RNAC-1, I started to get other messages before the mission. And the new pilot has now allowed me to fly with out the annoying "CD Missing" message.

I think it allows you to fly anyway in QC that is intentional. You are choosing to fly off in your craft (and risk your campaign pilot) anyway overriding what the co wants. If you notice your squad carries on gaining kills getting killed as you fly QC.
Guys when you get this error again can you immeditely stop and go to windows explorer and find
OFFLog.txt in \CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\CampaignData

then please send it to

and we can look at!

Please include your order # too.

(perhaps you can create a new pilot in the same squad and date when you first saw the issue?)

Whoops, didn't see the message to capture a file until too late. However, had the exact same error message today in Esc 3 enlisted 2/17. Had to delete the pilot, create a new one, and the error was gone.

Whoops, didn't see the message to capture a file until too late. However, had the exact same error message today in Esc 3 enlisted 2/17. Had to delete the pilot, create a new one, and the error was gone.


Thanks - if it happens again please send the log file and we can fix!


here's my error report a QC and then this----->Patch DLL error patch ID' to patch';data to be patched does not match re downloaded patch an reinstalled jasta 11 qc if that helps *sigh* no off for me today.:typing:
Pol, Winder:

Will do, if/when it happens again, I'll send the log file.


If your error was the same as OlPaint's & mine (see OPs post above), then try enlisting another pilot in another squad. That worked for us...
Hi all,
Sorry to say, I'm having similar problems, I'm patched to 1.1.
I try a QC mission, and after a while [a minute or few], the screen locks, and dumps me back to QC menu.

I have had two occasions when I've flown all the way to the front line and back, and everythings been ok. [15-20 mins]. But most of the time lock-up, drive whirls, dump back to QC menu.

I've re-installed, patched, and tried different settings, all to no avail, very frustrating. What I've seen in the short time I've had looks great by the way.
I am running a AMD 3800+ dual core, Nvidia 9600 gt [512], 2 GB ram.
I've also tried the single core render thing, from the cfs3 FAQ, any ideas, please..................................
I've had it happen twice. I had some noise coming from the area of my CD drive. I opened and closed the CD drive and the problem was no more. It is acting like it cannot read the CD.
Guys.. we cannot fix it without information, so I'll repeat the above:

Guys when you get this error again can you immeditely stop and go to windows explorer and find
OFFLog.txt in \CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\CampaignData

then please send it to

and we can look at!

Will do. I read your original request after I had the problem.
Well I just put a new cpu in went from p4 D to a core 2 duo now it's telling me to reinstall off oh well....:typing:
Same problem in QC here, always with LafEsc. Error message: patch DLL error patch ID' to patch'

I'll try to recreate and send a log.