Oh, Santa another present?

Wrapped and ready to be opened

Hello - just checked and it is there - under the tree with the other one.
I wanted to .....

I contacted the OFF folks and shared the planes, but they have restrictive policies on the planes they use (and they should) and they were not willing to partner the way I wanted. I get it and it is their show so we could not strike a deal. They liked the external and asked for some other changes... Just wish I could find a way to use these in OFF so folks could at least fly them against other WW1 planes. I thought that there was a way to do that, but we'll need to wait a see...shame really. I wanted to see what the SSW could do as it was reported to be a very good late war plane.

Well we thank you for your efforts at any rate Ted, it's a really nice airplane! I hope someone will be able to figure out how to add it to OFF/WOFF at some point so it can be enjoyed to its fullest against real opponents.
Thanks Ted,i will give them a go against my beautiful hobbit special. I have all the OFF/WOFF files in my advanced CFS3 set up.

They are really nice, will post some screenshots (as i can)battling them with my Hobbit special.


  • Hobbit special 001.jpg
    Hobbit special 001.jpg
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I bought OFF when it came out and then did away with the new user interface and went back to a conventional CFS3 like set-up dedicated to WWI planes, locations and scenarios. For me, it's very easy to add new planes, so thank you very much for these.
These two seem to be unflyable. The CG seems all out of whack, and I often get control reversals.

Is anyone else have trouble with achieving straight and level in them?
Recalibration helped some. What helped more was to apply up elevator trim. Even so, it's a pretty twitchy ride, and easily subject to PIO.
Work Fine here, except for the lack of a seat belt that is.


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  • Hobbit 03.jpg
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I Like it a lot

Will it instal in Between heaven and Hell and could you go back to the CFS3 SETUP. I must admit I prefer the old cf3 setup where you can addon planes without upsetting anything.
With further flying I'm finding that once the elevator trim is adjusted it's fairly good except for left aileron roll. Then it just flips on it's left side and does a horizontal outside loop as if you've only flicked the aileron and then applied full down elevator. I'm not sure if it's a flight model issue, or just something about the way this aircraft actually flew (too much torque and not enough elevator?).
Thank you for this gift, Ted! I waited and hoped for a good D.III a long time. One question: on both versions, the skin on the wings and the nose (viewed from the cockpit) are so bright that they turn almost completely white. The colors completely disappear. I do not have this issue with other planes.
I really hope that we can fly her in OFF/WOFF one day.

That can happen if you have shine enabled in the shader xml, and with some of the earlier versions of AnKor's d3d8.dll.

It can be fixed with a minor hex edit of the m3d file.
Hello Major,
Thanks for this useful information. Can you perhaps point me to a tutorial or so in which the modifications are explained?
Best regards,