OI: Video-2 in the WorkShop Watch series ...

yes, Achim Engels - he is building several Fokker planes with original specification and materials - never saw the motor bike though :).

At 2.15 he obviously tries to wreck his vice - at least that is what happened to me after trying to press out an old Triumph bearing with such a vice lol.
Seems he's having fun !

Yes he is! and the video shows it. Its all about leverage, is it not ..... LOL!

You should see the scar marks I have from hot welding rod I received on my arms and belly while building my plane and learning to weld at the same time ..... was well worth it. :icon_lol:

Why so stylish suddenly

WomenFly2, why so lady-like on your pic (I liked the other). Trying to hide those scars?
You get me confused - isn't Achim Engels building planes in Germany? And you in America? (What plane did you build ?)
Excuse my curiositiy, but women who fly are just fascinating to me (writer blushes).

To CATFISH: think you wrote, Engels works in Germany somewhere. If so: do you know, if it might be possible to visit him and see his works?

Cheers; Olham

PS: great music, again
Now THAT's an effective use of a bench Vise!!

Great video, even though the B/W & Color doubling was rather annoying. I hope he finished this one, it looks good so far.

Ive got a couple welding scars myself WF2, i actually still have a piece of steel under the skin that melted into my arm. Wish I was working on a plane when it happened, would have made it even more of a conversation piece:costumes:

WomenFly2, why so lady-like on your pic (I liked the other). Trying to hide those scars?
You get me confused - isn't Achim Engels building planes in Germany? And you in America? (What plane did you build ?)
Excuse my curiositiy, but women who fly are just fascinating to me (writer blushes).

To CATFISH: think you wrote, Engels works in Germany somewhere. If so: do you know, if it might be possible to visit him and see his works?

Cheers; Olham

PS: great music, again

Why so stylish, with P3 coming out soon and RoF the skies will be getting very dark indeed, hence I fly for the dark side ... smirk.

I built and test flew a Pietenpol AirCamper with Model-A ford engine, restored an Aeronca 7 AC, Cub and others. Started a DR.1 but did not finish do to the big "D". Have flown a DR.1 replica with modern engine, a D.VIII with a rotary, also a Lockheed 12 A and others.

Achim finished two D.vIII that went off to a customer, I believe they maybe in NZ. He is now working on 4 D,vII's, Eindecker EIII, A D.vIII, Rumpler, Palz DIII. Click here to the AeroFourm to read more.

.... and the grown, well, it covers a multitude of (inner) sins.

"Ze "dark side" - zats enemie propaganda. In fact, our planes are much more colourful (see pics below) zan zose of ze crumpet menace. You're flying for the right side, Madame; my compliments!"

Gee, that must be fun, flying all those planes (risky too ?). All I can handle is creating new paint schemes for my planes. Lucky America - here you wouldn't get a permission to fly them, so easily (lots of laws & rules!). Thanks for the link to Achim - I'll have to look up, where Schorndorf is. Maybe I can visit him some day.

And for the inner sins: there can't be much time left to live them out. But, from the picture, I thought you might be a "deep water" (wonder, if you have that saying over there). And aren't we all sinners? (Here, the writer recommends the song "Sinner" by CURVE).

Always: come back in one piece - cheers; Olham PS: my plane's name "Milan" or "Roter Milan" means "Red Kite"
WOW! Those are fantastic skins, very nice work. I hope you do visit Achim and report back to us on your findings.

Are you making your skins available?


" .... we all have a dark side, that's were all the fun is!"

Deep water ... hummmm?
Ja, those skins look great Olham. I especially like the 2nd Albatros. Keep up the good work. I'd like to try my hand at making some personal skins. How do u guys do it? Is there a special program to open the files and edit them? Any guidance in this area would be greatly apreciated.

ROOSTER; the program for opening and converting the skins is "DXTBmp"; it's freeware, you'll get it here: http://www.softpedia.com/get/Multimedia/Graphic/Graphic-Editors/DXTBmp.shtml
With it, you can browse through the skins to pick one out as a basic design. You convert that into a 24-bit bitmap, which can then be worked on in Photoshop, or maybe other programs. It's a bit tricky, when you don't want to just overpaint the whole surfaces; you may want to keep the details as bolts, lids, little writings, wheathering traces and shadows, which Makai, Polovski and others have done so lovely. But, with a good program, it can be done. Have fun! (Oh, and don't forget to re-convert it into "dss" with "DXTBmp" when ready.)
(Der weiße Adler ? Are you nativ German?)

WomenFly2; thanks for copliments. If you want one of these (or all), I can mail it to you, if you PM me an E-mail adress. And if you had a special desire for a colouring of a specific plane type, you can PM me your ideas/colours/personal signs, logos (if you have); and I'll do one for you, in return for your interesting contributions round here.

Cheers; Olham
Thanks a ton Olham. Now I'll be up all night making a D.III skin!:costumes: I really appreciate your help with this. As for being native German.....no. But my family did come from Germany, and I am quite interested in my family history. I picked up some German from relatives but I am trying to learn the language on my own.

Hey Olham54,

Thanks for the offer. Being Polish, second generation here in the states, I would like one with Polish markings, historically correct if possible? I will send you a PM. No big rush, I am waiting for P-3 anyway.

Good grief - historical correct Polish markings; haven't seen them, since I viewed WW1 aircraft on the web. Do you have any, that you could scan? Or give me a link to some pics? And what plane would that be? (To be honest, I didn't know, that there were Polish pilots envolved - perhaps you can help).
Cheers; Olham
Well, meanwhile I've found a bit more about Polish troups in WW1, which you can read in my new thread "Polish airmen in WW1 ?"
Still though, I haven't found a direct proof or link, showing Polish airmen or what planes they might have flown. All Polish planes on the "Wings Palette" site were from 1919 or later.