OK how to I set up my joystick?

I have a Saitek X45 and I am trying to set it up in X plane. I have managed to map the axis without issue, but how do I asssign the POV hat to the cockpit view in game?
I cannot for the life of me see where it is. Button mapping and axis mapping yes but nowt for the POV hats on my stick.

Help please.

I use a TrackIR so I don't worry about hat-switch mapping, but I think you have to set each of the points on the hat to their respective view angles in the button assignment screen. It's the tab next to axis assignment in the same control panel. There are instructions on hat switch setup on the X-Plane.org forums here.
I have the X-45 also. Took me a while to get things all plugged in. I used the Advanced Buttons window to set things up. Left selections (middle) is the departments or systems.. and each system or department will show on the right side. Just click a button you wish to program on the Joystick, it will blink on the left Grid, then click a button for its assignment. Repeat till done.

Some things will not work in XP9 like in FS. For instance, I could get my HUD switch number 2 to look around in 3D cockpit view, and it works like that in Chase mode also, but some of the other functions I couldnt get to work.

Be patient though. You'll find them all. I have the left HUD on joystick side linked sideways to Left and Right heading adjust for AP. Up/down controls pitch trim. Two yellows on Joystick control Flaps, red is Gear, but in XP9, you can use that for guns, etc..

Dang Bill...you know this stuff........ Boss man.........:friday:
Hey Mason,

Not really, lol.. Still lots to learn. Its a huge sim. Must be 2 or 3 times more controls and entries for XP9 compared with FS9 and FSX. (Too many, lol).

I have the X-45 also. Took me a while to get things all plugged in. I used the Advanced Buttons window to set things up. Left selections (middle) is the departments or systems.. and each system or department will show on the right side. Just click a button you wish to program on the Joystick, it will blink on the left Grid, then click a button for its assignment. Repeat till done.

Some things will not work in XP9 like in FS. For instance, I could get my HUD switch number 2 to look around in 3D cockpit view, and it works like that in Chase mode also, but some of the other functions I couldnt get to work.

Be patient though. You'll find them all. I have the left HUD on joystick side linked sideways to Left and Right heading adjust for AP. Up/down controls pitch trim. Two yellows on Joystick control Flaps, red is Gear, but in XP9, you can use that for guns, etc..

I just got a new joystick a Saitek AV8R-03 it work's ok in FSX but it's hard to map out the button they sayed X-plan has gun's but i can not find the button for the gun's? :wavey:
Hey Mississippi,

You'll need to go to Settings/Joystick and Equipment/Buttons:Advanced tab, and select 'Weapons' menu.

Then select a button on your joystic, and note on the grid which one it is, and select the type of weapon you want for that button, such as machine guns for trigger, and rockets for covered button, etc. Save and play.
