Ok, I give up.



*Sigh* :icon_lol:

This labels jazz, is it possible to modify it so that when you hit that rotten little button you get just an asterix instead of the chap's name, address and national-insurance number?

Yes, another mission in which I saw a few British planes, but no huns whatsoever. Had enough of that tosh. I was so incensed I put down at the nearest airfield, found a wandering batman and gave him a jolly good thrashing!

It's occured to me that most, if not all, of the a/c I see destroyed in the mission review are planes that have gone into that zero-altitude circle-jerk and crashed by themselves. Which might explain why I never see them, even when they've clearly been within my view-zone. Balloons I can see, way out to the horizon. Allied planes I can see, almost beyond the point of recognition with my 'binoculars' at maximum zoom.

Anyway, if I can modify the label thingy, to reduce the impact on immersion, that would be top hole. If not I'll suffer it as it is and see exactly what is going on over the ghost-front.
It is a bit tricky with monitor resoulution and field of view and what not. I go back and forth between radar and looking around depending on how much time I have for the mission. I hear you on the whole immersion thing though. Thirty years from now when I am retired and can sit around all day and play flight simulator games, maybe they will have it all worked out! :jump:
Hello Siggi,
not having Phase 3 yet i wonder what is wrong with the sim ..
If using the radar "T" (?) is there never a plane to be seen ? Are you probably flying Qick mission/training without enemies present ? Or do you fly near Liverpool, or in Scotland ? Because no german plane ever was sighted near those regions, but one Zeppelin, at one night - if you miss it you will stay lonely... :gossip:
And there is no home defense modelled in Phase 3 or so i think. So up to now the western front is where the action is. You know I would love to fly my Otto/Ago biplane in the Rufiji delta in 1914, but ... :icon_lol::icon_lol:
I dont know about an asterisk Siggi, but awhile ago (I think it might have been even before the "big crash") ToBeOrNot posted a solution that made the labels less harsh on the eyes. It made the labels transparent and you can adjust the transparency as you like. Maybe he'll happen upon this thread and repost it.

*Sigh* :icon_lol:

This labels jazz, is it possible to modify it so that when you hit that rotten little button you get just an asterix instead of the chap's name, address and national-insurance number?

Yes, another mission in which I saw a few British planes, but no huns whatsoever. Had enough of that tosh. I was so incensed I put down at the nearest airfield, found a wandering batman and gave him a jolly good thrashing!

It's occured to me that most, if not all, of the a/c I see destroyed in the mission review are planes that have gone into that zero-altitude circle-jerk and crashed by themselves. Which might explain why I never see them, even when they've clearly been within my view-zone. Balloons I can see, way out to the horizon. Allied planes I can see, almost beyond the point of recognition with my 'binoculars' at maximum zoom.

Anyway, if I can modify the label thingy, to reduce the impact on immersion, that would be top hole. If not I'll suffer it as it is and see exactly what is going on over the ghost-front.

Wow, by your post title I thought you had some major problem.. In fact, I don't really understand what you are objecting to now.

Use the Tactical display, it will show just dots and only defined by friendly or enemy with in a certain range.

Also, are you saying that most of the A/C are AI computer crashing and that's why you think you don't see them??? :confused:
Siggi, use the tac and the labels. I encourage you to do so. It is still rewarding, to down the enemy on 90% realism (me is using automixture:redf:)

see u in the skies.


nothing is wrong with the sim.:amen:
Siggi, use the tac and the labels. I encourage you to do so. It is still rewarding, to down the enemy on 90% realism (me is using automixture).

I agree. I have both programmed into my joystick (throttle actually) and as soon as I have visual I kill all aids. If I get lost or lose track of my enemy down in the weeds I flip on the labels for a second. I find that the more I play the less I need to do it, but on a 22" monitor at 1900x1400 (appx) those planes are mighty small at beyond 1km. Also, you need to padlock planes for your flight to concentrate on, especially if one is chasing you!
Rabu, I'm not "objecting" to anything. I'm finding it impossible to see any enemy a/c while flying in campaign mode (1917, Flanders). That's in twelve hours of flying, thirteen missions. I haven't been using any aids, I've been relying on my eyeballs and the fact that if I can spot balloons miles away on the horizon, and British planes ditto, I should be seeing German ones too.

So, I've decided I need to use the a/c labels, just to confirm that there isn't a bug in my game. But I don't particularly want the full text, it would be ideal for me IF I can modify them to show only an asterix or something equally unobtrusive. If not so be it.

HOWEVER, I am unable now to re-assign the keyboard command of Ctrl-Shift-I (or whatever three-key lunacy it is), because whenever I try, either in CFS3 directly (requires a different procedure than OFF) or through OFF, the game locks up. I then use Task Manager to shut down CFS3, which shows as still running, but Off Manager is "Not Responding", at which point CFS3 goes away and OFF Manager starts running again.

Obviously, I am not going to use labels in my campaign if I have to hit three keys every time. Just not doable. So it looks like MS, with their shiftless shonky buggy software, have stimmied me.
*Sigh* :icon_lol:

This labels jazz, is it possible to modify it so that when you hit that rotten little button you get just an asterix instead of the chap's name, address and national-insurance number?

Yes, another mission in which I saw a few British planes, but no huns whatsoever. Had enough of that tosh. I was so incensed I put down at the nearest airfield, found a wandering batman and gave him a jolly good thrashing!

It's occured to me that most, if not all, of the a/c I see destroyed in the mission review are planes that have gone into that zero-altitude circle-jerk and crashed by themselves. Which might explain why I never see them, even when they've clearly been within my view-zone. Balloons I can see, way out to the horizon. Allied planes I can see, almost beyond the point of recognition with my 'binoculars' at maximum zoom.

Anyway, if I can modify the label thingy, to reduce the impact on immersion, that would be top hole. If not I'll suffer it as it is and see exactly what is going on over the ghost-front.


First I'm sure a big part of your problem is that your right, most all of the aircraft that are in the area are stooging around at 1000'. The only time I see aircraft at altitude is if I use the warp function. If I fly the mission myself (which I do most of the time) I almost never encounter aircraft, friendly or hostile, at altitude but down on the deck. I use the radar so anything that comes within radar range I see, so I'm not missing anything.
As to the label thing, it's one of the things I asked about from my first day of P2. I was told that there is no way of changing the labels, but I had to wonder. There was no Nieuport 17 in CFS 3 so that label had to be added, so there must be a file some where that defines that aircraft with an associated font, pitch and color for the text. Seems to me that it would be a simple task to be able to change any of those to make the labels less intrusive. However it may be that you would have to edit the label for every object and so would be a large and daunting task.

Rabu, I'm not "objecting" to anything. I'm finding it impossible to see any enemy a/c while flying in campaign mode (1917, Flanders). That's in twelve hours of flying, thirteen missions. I haven't been using any aids, I've been relying on my eyeballs and the fact that if I can spot balloons miles away on the horizon, and British planes ditto, I should be seeing German ones too.

So, I've decided I need to use the a/c labels, just to confirm that there isn't a bug in my game. But I don't particularly want the full text, it would be ideal for me IF I can modify them to show only an asterix or something equally unobtrusive. If not so be it.

HOWEVER, I am unable now to re-assign the keyboard command of Ctrl-Shift-I (or whatever three-key lunacy it is), because whenever I try, either in CFS3 directly (requires a different procedure than OFF) or through OFF, the game locks up. I then use Task Manager to shut down CFS3, which shows as still running, but Off Manager is "Not Responding", at which point CFS3 goes away and OFF Manager starts running again.

Obviously, I am not going to use labels in my campaign if I have to hit three keys every time. Just not doable. So it looks like MS, with their shiftless shonky buggy software, have stimmied me.

Firstly this Video, towards the end is very illusrative on the size of the mystery AC

Further on, You can't very well disable Labels in your configs, then expect them to be there, as per your request

The 3 KeyStrokes of Label can be easily transformed into a single, but only after You remove the checkmark You put on to Disable Labels in configs
Micro$oft may indeed be WONKY, but this time you helped

I would suggest that while you're in configs, also remove the check from Disable Tactical Display

The TAC can be most useful in unison with the Labels ( newbies)

Both should be placed on the joystick for instant use

As an AC approaches, it's a white blip, as it draws nearer it changes color Red or Blue, friend or foe, and you basically know his direction. TAC off, Labels ON. At least from then on in you know where they are. How Long you wish to leave the labels ON is up to you
. I was told that there is no way of changing the labels, but I had to wonder. There was no Nieuport 17 in CFS 3 so that label had to be added, so there must be a file some where that defines that aircraft with an associated font, pitch and color for the text. Seems to me that it would be a simple task to be able to change any of those to make the labels less intrusive. However it may be that you would have to edit the label for every object and so would be a large and daunting task.

There are 3 variations possible as to Label information. I feel we normally have best inuse now . . . DIII German Airman Jasta 11, or Sopwith Triplane British Ace RNAS 8

The others add rank and kill record . .Hardly needed . . Talk about immersion killers . . the Damn Label is 3 inches long

Kill = Ctrl + Shft + /
Rank = Shft + /

I ain't tooo curious, the ones we got are fine by me :kilroy:
those original CFS3 keys sported by MS also in their FS flight sim series is indeed a pain in ... err ... somewhere.
It took some time for me (having flown every flight sim that ever was) to get used to this - there are two solutions:

First: TrackIR - expensive, ok, but i will get it sooner or later.

Second: Adjust the view-key-system to your liking - it will take a while to even understand what Micro$oft means with some assignments, especially those "axle" things, but you will at some point understand it .. just bend your mind a bit, MS-wise (I will never understand how THAT system ever made it to the shelves).

Adjustment is as follows (In phase2, but i think it might be similar in phase3) Anyone ?

1. Open your control settings options menu. In Phase2 this works with pushing "Esc"(ape) when being at the aerodrome prior to fly.
2. You can then choose between two control settings, one is vanilla CFS3 control setting, the other is called "mine". As well you can activate force feedback here, or switch it off.
Clicking at mine there will be list with all assignments and the keys that "trigger" views and controls of your plane.
I have a real basic layout, that even a dumb a ... errr ... like me can understand.
[T] still opens and closes the radar screen, ok.
[+] zooms in on the plane, [-] zooms out.
(you have to find another key for what + and - usually does, but it will be all easier once adapted to YOUR liking)
2x [Shift]-[m] switches on the magnetoes, [Ctrl] and [m] switches them off.
(understood? arrow up for "on", key below the arrow up/[shift] (=ctrl) for "off" - applies for all "Switching assignments", like magnetoes, battery etc. etc.)
Switching own view of plane to the plane marked as a dot in the radar is done via [Shift]-[F4], switch back is [ctrl]-[F4]
[F1] is normal cockpit view, [F2] is the free swaying view around plane, done via coolie-hat. [F4] is the "fixed" following camera, initially positioned right behind the tail.
And so on - i just simplified those idiotic vanilla controls to my liking, i was sich and tired to press [Ctrl]-[Shift]-[F6] for cutting fuel or mixture, i do now press [^] and that's it - just assihn the keys to what you know from RedBaron, or whatever flight sim you know.

Good luck and greetings,
Gimpy, I already re-enabled all the functions in the overide-panel. I'm not that stupid, and certainly not as stupid as the cretins at MS. ;)

I've just got through deleting every single keyboard assignment, hopefully I'll now be able to re-configure the whole sorry mess to my liking.
I must also add that I have encountered some of what Siggi has posted. In Campaign, if I am flying proscribed alt and waypoints, I will not encounter any EA. With the labels on I see them but they are down below. The few times I have broken off and gave up the alt. to engaged..I must say the AI haven't been to aggressive.

However, I am assuming this is the AI "bug" that the forthcoming patch is addressing? Is that correct?

I must also add that I have encountered some of what Siggi has posted. In Campaign, if I am flying proscribed alt and waypoints, I will not encounter any EA. With the labels on I see them but they are down below. The few times I have broken off and gave up the alt. to engaged..I must say the AI haven't been to aggressive.

However, I am assuming this is the AI "bug" that the forthcoming patch is addressing? Is that correct?


I think it is. Something to do with the CFS3 AI not being intended to handle a/c as slow as WW1 jobbies.

I thought they said the AI had been fine-tuned in the sales spiel, and I'm at a loss to understand how something as significant as this wasn't spotted in testing. Looks like the beta-testers were too busy playing QC to bother with properly testing the campaign mode.

Still, there's an upside...easy kills while the going is good! Get in low and slaughter those non-aggressive circle-jerkers before Colonel v1.2 puts a rocket up their arse. Me first!!! :icon_lol:
Well, Siggi, something must be wrong your end - you should ask Winder or Pol about it.
I have met F.E.s at much higher altitude than mine. Also had a fight against 4 Nieuports today, and they did fine (well, perhaps not fine enough in the end - lol!)

Only problem I also have, is: I can't change any control assignments. Each time I try that, everything gets stuck, and I must stop CFS3 manager.
I'll write it to Winder now.
Siggi? Did you check the workshops? There is a choice to make, where you can select the flight max altitude. Maybe it is set to 15000ft? Try to change it, and check if this helps.

Giant- That is a good idea..I have my alt. checked at the max. 18,000 ft. Perhaps that is why there is the separation between the AI and self. I'll change the alt. and see if that helps. Thanks for the suggestion.

I must also add that I have encountered some of what Siggi has posted. In Campaign, if I am flying proscribed alt and waypoints, I will not encounter any EA. With the labels on I see them but they are down below. The few times I have broken off and gave up the alt. to engaged..I must say the AI haven't been to aggressive.

However, I am assuming this is the AI "bug" that the forthcoming patch is addressing? Is that correct?



Yes the AI circle at 'loiter' points (defend area, patrol etc) and go lower and lower instead of maintaining altitude - alas - should be fixed in 1.2 - looks good so far in tests but we are still testing many scenarios.


Also, are you saying that most of the A/C are AI computer crashing and that's why you think you don't see them??? :confused:

Quite possible. If you review campaign missions there seem to be many planes destroyed with no hint of combat. I get the impression they are just flying into the ground. I don't really know, just a hunch.

If true, then the AI fix in patch 1.2 should make a big difference.

On the altitude thing, I have definately run into enemy craft at high altitudes, so they aren't all flying down low.