Old Aeroplane Heaven freeware


"So it came to pass that the computer did melt down unto nothingness..."

Following a system loss, I've been slowly rebuilding my FS9 install. Unfortunately, it appears that I've misplaced some of my backup discs. Amongst the files that are missing are the various freeware that was released by Aeroplane Heaven a couple of years back. The old AH site is gone - the main page doesn't actually seem to be anything related to AH (beyond the logo), and the freeware list I've had to pull from the Wayback Machine, which sadly doesn't archive the downloads themselves.

I've managed to find some of the files scattered across the various sites (Simviation in particular had some), but was hoping some kind soul might be able to upload them here (pending permission from bazzar).

This, of course, also assumes that the files are still classified as freeware. If we do have the ok to upload the files, it may also be worth seeing if anyone in the CFS2 and CFS3 worlds has the files from AH that go those sims, and create an archive of all the AH freeware.

Here is the list of the AH freeware section:
Lavochkin La-9 (FS9 / CFS3)
Fokker Eindecker (FS9 / CFS2 / CFS3)
Airco DH.2 (FS9 / CFS2 / CFS3)
CAC Boomerang (FS9 / CFS2 / CFS3)
Spitfire 2-seater (FS9 / FSX)
Grumman F9F (FS9 / CFS2)
Grumman F3F (FS02 / CFS2 / CFS3)
Messerschmitt Bf.109E (FS9 / CFS2 / CFS3)
"Schmittfire" (FS9 / CFS3)
Sopwith Bee (FS9)
Supermarine Seafire (FS9)

If we have the ok to upload, I've currently got the Eindecker, DH.2, and Boomerang for CFS2, as well as the Panther and 109E for FS9.
Hi - I don't post here much, but I seem to have everything on that list except the 109E for CFS3 (was there one? - I tended to get as much freeware as was offered although I may have missed it) . Also have the Seafire for FSX, although it seems to be a portover like the Spitfire 2-seater.
Hi - I don't post here much, but I seem to have everything on that list except the 109E for CFS3 (was there one? - I tended to get as much freeware as was offered although I may have missed it) . Also have the Seafire for FSX, although it seems to be a portover like the Spitfire 2-seater.

Same here, so between us I think we could fill most of the gaps if Bazzar was ok with it.

Oh, and I have one not on that list, the Virgin Atlantic Global Flyer Bazz kindly released as a freebie a good few moons ago, so could supply that one too.
I've received word from bazzar that when he has a chance, he'll see what he can do. Fingers crossed.