Old AI tool


P-38 nut
I'm slowly getting my fs9 back to how I had before my long hiatus. I'm currently working on AI traffic and looking for a simple tool I used before. It wasn't fancy, it just created general aviation AI flights in a general area. The user would then put these into the flightplan text file for Traffic Tools to compile. I've looked at the AI tools at avsim, etc and can't find the one I'm thinking of. Anyone remember that app and know where I might find it?

- dcc
Easiest app I ever found for FS9 traffic. I must have written several thousand AI flight plans with it.


ttools is better for decompling or compiling the traffic.bgl files. But yRoute makes the actual writing of the flight plan super simple.
Dave and Willy thanks for the replies. I have TTools for de-compiling/compiling the three control files. The tool I used to use would create a text file of new flight plans that one would paste into the flightplan text file used in TTools.

I found several flightplan text files in my archives for airports in my area that I made with this tool, so I remember using it at one time. Oh well, I'm starting to play around with GA Traffic now and will take a look at yRoute too.

- dcc
It sounds like you're talking about yRoute. I use it to make the text files and then use Ttools ro compile/decompile. yRoute will compile/decompile, but it occassionally has issues with that which is the only thing I ever found about it that I didn't like.