Old alpha/beta models

Pat Pattle

Just having a spring clean and dug out these:

https://www.dropbox.com/s/kjlupgz0l7aknbj/Beta aircraft.zip?dl=0

Alphasim Constellation
HP54 Sparrow ai

I'll never get around to doing anything with them. They are utter rubbish but flyable and may be of use to someone!

I'll get the source files together and post them here later.


Clive :wavey:

edit: That was easier than I though, here's the source files:


There are other bits and pieces if anyone's interested.
Thanks for these!

I think I'll do something with the Constellation this afternoon.

The Dragon Rapide has always been a favorite of mine, and I loved seeing it used in the Torchwood episode "Out of Time".

I tried to download the source file, but the link goes into upload mode and it just goes into a continous loop for a long time.
Super Connie was the first plane I flew in. Dec 1954 London to Bombay and back. Took 2 days with a night stop in the Middle East!

Thanks Clive

The DH89a was the aircraft I was looking for and the others are great.

Because of my in experience I noticed the DH89a(Commercial Model) and the Connie propellers are dark disks especially the Connie.

I remember that to correct the propeller problem was to use the file from the Manchester to correct it.

My memory is bad and cannot remember which file?

Drawing on other members to help me out

I've been correcting a number of issues with the Constellation package, and making it more compatible with AnKor's shaders. I only have a few more textures to create for the YC-121 to get everything sorted out, so I should be able to wrap it up and publish it here tomorrow.


This is a standalone conversion of the AlphaSim_Lockheed_Constellation_BOAC to President-Elect Eisenhower's aircraft Columbine II. This was the aircraft used for his trip to Korea in December, 1952.

The BOAC version was a beta version, so the cockpit is very limited, but it's still flyable.

Several texture reference issues from the original package have been fixed, and the m3d has been edited to allow the use of .+sr.dds files to control the specular reflections when using AnKor's Shaders.

The xdp file incudes reference to the new contrails (AnKor Shaders - 25 Feb 2017) that will slowly become visible when flying above 24,600 ft. There is also a full set of navigation and landing lights included.

The sound file references DR_Engine_Sounds\US_Engine_Pratt_Whitney_R_1830-90_x4\Sound. If you do not have this sound file folder, you will need to change the reference to one that is included in your install to prevent crashing CFS3 when it fails to find the aircraft sound files it needs the next time you start the game.

*** Installation ***

Place the AlphaSim_Lockheed_Constellation_USAF folder in your aircraft folder.

This package has been tested in ETO with the latest set of AnKor's Shaders and the AvHistory Effects files.

It will work in DPC Korea as well, but the special effect lights and contrails won't work unless you've modified your effects.xml.
This is a standalone conversion of the AlphaSim_Lockheed_Constellation_BOAC to President-Elect Eisenhower's aircraft Columbine II. This was the aircraft used for his trip to Korea in December, 1952.

Thanks Andy, great job! :applause::applause: