Chuck Lawsen
Charter Member
Just finished a 2 month project completely making new textures and fixing performance issues on Paul Clawson's BT-13 "Vibraator". I made a paint of this in 2006 of my dad's plane he took his basic training in, but I wasn't happy with the prop because I didn't understand how to control transparency for the spin prop at the time, so last year I decided to learn how to fix it and as a result created a whole series of spin props for the MAAM DC3, M2 of Milton Shupes planes, etc. that was uploaded Dec. '09. So instead of just offering the improved prop, I decided in late Dec. to completely overhaul the aircraft with brand new textures and Paul was so helpful to offer fixes for things like better brakes, better turning on the ground, and some other minor issues and I changed the flaps from 1 to 3 notches. I redid my original Malden paint and with the help from the manager of Malden airport I was able to make a very accurate rendition of what the plane looked like when dad was training there in 1943. Once I completed that version, I made 3 other paints: pre-war yellow/blue, a Navy paint (rendering the MAAM BT-13), and a factory fresh vs. I even replaced the pilot's face with my dad's on the Malden paint. I uploaded to Avsim & Flightsim, will upload here too when the library's back. Here are some screen shots, enjoy!