old/new eto missions


Charter Member
I haven't tried yet but ... are the 'old' cfs3 missions can be used in the new ETO install? I think yes (if the requiered planes/facilities/... are installed)...
but may be regarding the airfields there is a problem ???
did someone try ???
thanks !
ps.... THANKS ETO TEAM !!!!!!!!! :ernae: :applause::applause::applause:
you delivered me a great birthday cake !!!! (2days before the b-day)
the lonely problem, is actually I have not really the possibility to test it...:kilroy:
During the development of ETO I did a lot of experimentation w/ all kinds of older missions. The ones with stockers should work fine. Anything with 46th airfields works fine as we have most if not all of those fileds i ETO in one era or another. Just make sure you have all the facilities you need . When adding anything to ETO, it's suggested that you first start ETO in era1, then close it out in era 1 before adding stuff. When adding spawns, and this is important, make sure you set the spawn selector to normal spawns before adding any more. I have totally screwd up my spawns on more thatn one occasion when I forgiot to do this. As suggested, use the backup utility that comes with ETO so that if you have to you cabn restore to the original files should your install get messed up. mid
...mmmhhh... I see... hopefully I haven't started !
Thanks for your tip Middle :ernae:
do you have tried to first edit the 'old' missions into the ETO mission manager ? do you think it could help to 'fix' eventuel problems before to turn the install into a complet mess ?
Ya don't have to edit anything unless you want to change planes. I chk several things, weather that's called for, facility files, aircraft and weapons, and spawns. Now, a lot of times i've seen the sim start you out on the nearest airfiled if the one that the mission calls for doesn't exist. O yeh..these days, being we now have eras to deal with, I look at the dates of the missions and put 'em in the appropriate mission folder
thanks Middle !
it seems to be a hard work requesting concentration !:isadizzy:
but it's good for the brain... and funnier than these sudoku games... :costumes:
I will try with 'small' missions.. before to go to the next level