Old P-51


It's interesting that Mr. Atkinson is making paints for the old Roger Dial P-51. I count 40 paints for this aircraft at Flightsim. This old plane has a low poly count and works perfectly as an AI. Combined with the scenery "Mustang Landing" one can make an enjoyable fictitious airport.

FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 WarbirdsFS2004 PAF P-51D Mustang "Shark of Zambales"
[SIZE=-1][ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: fs9_zambales_v1.zip Size: 767,812 Date: 05-24-2011 Downloads: 4
[SIZE=-1] FS2004 PAF P-51D Mustang "Shark of Zambales", s/n 474627. This is a repaint for the Roger Dial Reno P-51 Mustang package (RD_P-51D.ZIP). The repaint depicts the personal aircraft of Maj. Benito N. Ebuen of the Philippine Air Force (PAF) and commander of the 5th Fighter Group circa the late 1940s. By Richard G. Atkinson.[/SIZE]
...one can make an enjoyable fictitious airport..[SIZE=-1].[/SIZE]

Or a real one, if your sim is set up, as mine is, to represent a time when the F-51 was flown by a lot of Air National Guard units.

Or, with all the Reno racer paints, and a Reno race course scenery, you can also have a really neat depiction of Reno on race day.
Roger's P-51 still compares favorably with the newer FS9 Mustangs. Flies well, lotsa paint jobs, good sound, good frame rates. :)