Old problem returned


An old glitch has returned and I can't remember what I did to fix it. After the game has started, if I change aircraft to anything including the one that was just being flown, the game will often crash to 'Flight Simulator has encountered a problem and...' when I hit OK. The game also sometimes crashes the same way when I just go to close it. I just finished a reinstall with the FS update. I made this go away once before but am scratching the noggin as to how I did it. If anybody has a little hammer to knock the solution to the front of my head I'd appreciate it.
Don't know if this would be your problem but If maybe you put an inferior model (FSX,FS2000, or FS2002)in, then usually taking it back out clears up the CTDT. I know I have tries some FSX models hoping that they might by chance would work or some older 2002 and 2000 models hoping they would work and would sometimes get the FS9 platform confused. Take them back out and it would clear the problem up.

*Problem would be a freezing up of FS9 and have to hit ctrl/alt/delete to end FS9, followed up by a message asking if you want to notify Microsoft.

* Model would select but then stand still in the selection revolving 3D window. Simply de-selecting that plane and choose another and the problem would disappear, but it told me that something about the model was not right and after re-checking the models files for any irregularities and if all looked ok, I would then just remove the model out of FS9 believing the mdl simply was not compatible with FS9.

Hower your problem may be another problem. Just saying.
If you are using the built in Logbook that can cause problems like that if the last flight was not closed properly and the Logbook gets scrambled.
Sometimes just opening the Logbook in FS cures that. Sometimes the FS9.cfg file entry for the Logbook needs to be cleaned of erroneous characters such as a few hundred extra commas after your name.
And sometimes I had to let FS build a new FS9.cfg file.....and then remap my control assignments.

Log book? I have log flight time unselected. Where can I find it to see what's up? Meantime I'll try a last good cfg. Thanks.
An old glitch has returned and I can't remember what I did to fix it. After the game has started, if I change aircraft to anything including the one that was just being flown, the game will often crash to 'Flight Simulator has encountered a problem and...' when I hit OK. The game also sometimes crashes the same way when I just go to close it. I just finished a reinstall with the FS update. I made this go away once before but am scratching the noggin as to how I did it. If anybody has a little hammer to knock the solution to the front of my head I'd appreciate it.

aeromed....like your avatar. Made me laugh out loud!

Video drivers causing your problem maybe? I never change planes in mid-stream but I did have the crash on end of game with certain a/c. I seem to recall a change in video drivers cured that for me. I would try the
logbook & fs9.cfg rebuild before the driver change, tho. Sometimes it's the simple fixes....
Well it just crashed twice while changing airports. Makes me think it's the 'change something' window itself. Would a module be involved like the FSUIPC ( Vid drivers maaay be involved. I only use the ones on the disc that came with the card so maybe I'll re-install those.

OK, deleting the cfg and allowing a new one to build seems to have fixed the problems. I've been carefully updating sections to get it back to where it was and if I hit the problem section I'll let ya know what it was. Thanks again.

I could possibly be FSUIPC causing the issue. Some versions of FSUIPC are not compatible with FS9.1. I am running version 3.9 and all is well. You may want to grab a newer version of FSUIPC from the site...which I can't remember the address to at the moment.

I might do that. While reinstalling FS9 I simply copied over the version I had before since it seemed to work well and I recall that creating a new cfg fixed the problem before.
Turns out I think it was two problems. One was that I was trying to get a decent Lear 45 panel to play nice and didn't realize that it really wasn't. And I obviously cut a corner copying the FSUIPC over instead of re-installing it, but it was mostly that darn panel. I gave up and used a 2002 generic twin jet panel that loads like a champ and looks pretty good. Anything but crashing all the time:ernae: