old problem


Charter Member
Hello I need some help here ,I think this issue as already ben talked in the old threads.
I have downloaded some tank files from Ome Joop. When I use these vehicles in QC they work perfectly the first time, but if I leave them in QC and stop the game ,when I try to restart the game it shut`s of.
The only way I can restart the game is by removing the files.
How can I correct this? Ome Joop as made several tanks but I cannot use them in the game unless I resolve this issue.
Thanks for your help.
You may check your sound files in the main folder of the tanks you are putting in to your game and put a sound file of it's own. I had this problem befor with some planes and that was the cause.
If this happens again, you can edit the uisel.xml file, only changing the player's aircraft to a stock - or proven one. The game should start normaly.
Hi guys ,I really like this forum :kiss:. The sound files was the problem.
I did not have the requested sound files. I changed the sound file in each ac file for the Bf_109G_6/sound and bingo everything got solved :amen:.
Thanks for the help!!