Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome


Charter Member
Setting up a GW folder and can't find it anywhere. Got all the ai files at flightsim but the scenery by Joe Binka seems to have disappeared. Would appreciate a download location if anybody knows.
My FS9 Golden Wings with ORA is on my F drive with ORA itself in the Addon Scenery folder. What are you looking for? GW, ORA, or both?
If I recall correctly, ORA was only released on AvSim. It was supposed to be released here too, but Joe had trouble uploading or signing in or something, and ORA ended up just going onto AvSim.

It was a bit odd when we released the AI package because some of the contributors wouldn't allow their work to be posted on AvSim. So the AI package went to FlightSim and here - resulting in the scenery and the AI not being available in the same place.

I can send you a copy of the scenery if someone else hasn't already; just pop me a PM if you still need it.
The initial step is "INSTALL: just unzip and then place the ORA folder into your ADDON SCENERY folder, then activate in the SCENERY LIBRARY" then there is a readme accompanying the download that is detailed.