Old School Freight Doggin'


Staff member
With Flight 19 on haitus for the race, it's been a little boring, so I figured I haul a little freight. Loaded up the ol' DC-7 freighter in Shannon Ireland (EINN) with Irish whiskey and cream and took off for Merc Air's secret HQ in Rochford England. Did have a bit of a problem with the ATC at Shannon though. They claimed to be under IFR rules and refused me permission to even taxi to the active. Well, rules are made to be broken, so I taxied to the active anyway and took off without consulting the tower (pics 1, 2 & 3).

After I got to cruising altitude (pic 4), I turned on the com radio again and everything was all rosy with Center, so apparently Shannon wasn't too upset. I passed London on the way after flying for a bit (pic 5).

It was a pretty easy approach into Rochford (pic 6) all I had to do was miss the trees at the end of 1L and stay on the pavement once I touched down. Then it was taxi to the east ramp and park over by Canelo's Cantina (pics 7 & 8).

All in all a good flight in FS 1954.
Yep, the California Classics DC-7B with an old freighter paint I hacked together.
Hey Willy, any chance of a copy of that paint.
It just oozes character.
Here's a few shots of my favorite DC-6.
My favorite 6 as well and it was the inspiration for the 7. RailRunner did a great job on that one.

I'm thinking I uploaded it to here under my name.
The default FS9 Alamo is located in downtown San Antonio. It can be a bit hard to locate and going low and slow works best.

The version shown here is part of the original CFS 1 "CFC Rochford" scenery by Ralph Tribel which was Merc Air's hangout in that sim and dates from 1999. If you'll look close the Alamo has "Canelo's Cantina" written on it and the small building in front by the parked AI Boeing Stratoliner was the original Outhouse which eventually gave it's name to this site. It's situated a couple miles to the north of EGMC Southend in England and Rochford was the name of the original default CFS airfield. Tribel added the paved runways, buildings and parkable hangers. In CFS it had a refueling stand that doesn't work in FS. Being for CFS, the buildings are by my best guesstimate about twice the size they should be.

I've gotten this scenery to work in FS9 although it still has issues when viewed from above. I worked up an AFCAD for it and had to monkey around in the scenery.cfg file to get it to work as well as it does. The main reason I've kept mucking about with this fictional scenery is just pure nostalgia for the heyday of CFS 1. One of these days, I'll figure out how to fix the issues.

Oh, and I got to looking at my uploads and the DC-7 paint I've got uploaded here was the one I did up for the SOH Race Team in case we needed a propliner for the annual RTW race (this year's race starts on Saturday the 21st) It's kind of a NASCAR type thing with plenty of sponsors.

I'll package up the Old Freighter and upload it in the next day or so.
Thanks for the info, Willy...man, i looked all over the place in San Antonio for the Alamo and never could find it....guess I'll look again...mid

ps///yeh, i did see the Canelo's on the front when I looked up close.......
Excellent Willy.
Thanks very much for sharing your repaints with us.
I love the Strats that you did.
Boy I wish I'd got to Miami in the 80's and early 90's.
Propliners and early jets in a constant and varied parade.
A DC-6 came down here once quite a few years ago now to spray painted apple moths.
I got up before dawn several times and drove to the airbase it was flying from, stood on a mound beside one of the fire access gates and reveled in the thunder as it blasted into the still, dawn sky right in front of me.
I will never forget that sound.
Pretty cool Willy...

I see your other bird is parked in front of the Cantina already. :d

Ive missed doing some flying. Lately Ive almost wanted to start up with a VA again and do an occasional late night flight. Something fun about 'having a mission to do' type of thing.
