"Old Shaky" Textures

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James Craig has come out with some new texture sets for JBK's C-124C - a great airplane to fly by the way! GA ANG and OK ANG textures sure look good. Now, if we can get him to do the rest (Mississippi, Tennessee, Utah). OBIO's R-4360 sounds are GREAT!


BTW, a super read is Douglas C-124 Globemaster II from Air Force Legends series (#206) published by Steve Ginter. I got mine at the Robins AFB museum.
I wish I could find some quality recordings of a real R-4360 to base a sound pack on. The few recordings I have found of a running 4360 are so full of hiss and back ground noise that they are useless. The sound pack I did up for the R-4360 is not even close to the sounds of a real 4360. I just tried to make something totally different than other sound packs out there for the other engines.

A man I used to work with at NASJRB New Orleans years ago, in the prop shop for the C-130s based there, used to be a C-124 crew chief. I remember him telling me once about making the rounds of the airplane after takeoff with a load of Turkish troops aboard. After clearing the cargo compartment he thought he smelled something burning and rushed back, to find some of the Turks had built themselves a fire on the floor of the aircraft for brewing up tea. :mixedsmi:
I like your soundpack (hence my bragging on it before). You're certainly right about the lack of availability of a live subject, though. My dad said that the B-36's he served around in the early 50's sounded, quite literally like nothing else he ever heard.
