Old system performing fine


The Bordeaux-Red Baron
Everyone wants a newer rig, better vid card, etc.
But I realized, that my system performs OFF-BHaH much better than my neighbour's new bought one.

I'm running Intel Core 2 Duo E 6550
For the GHz, it shows two numbers: 2.33 GHz, 1.79 GHz
RADEON X 1900 graphic card

My CFS3config.exe is set to this:
Overall graphic detail: 3
Aircraft detail: 5
Terrain detail: 3
Scenery detail: 3
Effects quality: 3
Cloud quality: 1 (they still look fine!)

With all this set, my FPS dance between 28 and 32, sometimes even into the 50's. I haven't done any tweaking or overclocking.
Here are the Override settings in the CFS3config, as they seem to be quite important, too. CAMELJOCKEY had helped me there a lot.
Olham, do your FPS still remain at 28 over the front during a dogfight?
I hope you get her to where you are very pleased. I started out good on day one and now it is running just great! You will find just the right combination of settings I'm sure.
Everyone wants a newer rig, better vid card, etc.
But I realized, that my system performs OFF-BHaH much better than my neighbour's new bought one.

I'm running Intel Core 2 Duo E 6550
For the GHz, it shows two numbers: 2.33 GHz, 1.79 GHz
RADEON X 1900 graphic card


Because most people running on polluted computers.
Lot of not used software, unnecessary programs are running simultaneous with OFF, spyware, register faults etc, etc. So first step get your PC mean and lean. Take a look at the computer forums and check for the tricks.

Then get your OFF adjustments right for your system.

Last step overclocking, but be carefull and keep not only your head cool. Buy some upgrading parts (fs extent your RAM). But always keep in mind what a new system will cost, new processor + RAM + Video card + PSU can be nearly the same $$$$ as a new system now-a-days. :wave: