Old timer going to new system!



been out of the loop for quite a while, soi I don't know whats in or out in regards to CFS3 updates and mods. I have an old WinXP machine in which I used to run CFS3 with MAW but that machine won't do it anymore.

Now I built a new one running WinVista Home Premium 64 and was wonder what do I need to get the game to work on it?

Can I install CSF3 on the new PC and then transfer and copy the whole folder from the old PC over it? or do I have to start from scratch?

If I have to start from scratch, what are the things that work or don't work in Vista64? Can I just use the updates I have downloaded (MAW etc) from years past or that stuff don't work on Vista64?
Thanks for any help
You can run cfs3 on vista 64 i have done it. I use xp on my pc but we have a pc with vista 64 and cfs3 runs fine. The only thing is if you want to fly mp you have to make some changes to your cfs3 start up. look at this thread and it will tell you what to do http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/showthread.php?t=9007
No this, it will run on vista 64 but cfs3 is 32 and will not change to 64.
good flying,

PS you will have to download ETO1.20 the best WW2 flight sim to date.
....Can I install CSF3 on the new PC and then transfer and copy the whole folder from the old PC over it? or do I have to start from scratch?

Welcome back Ed, are you in for a treat! :welcome:

You may remember MAW had to be installed on a machine with CFS3 patched to 3.1a but otherwise unmodified - this is still the best ploy.
  1. Install CFS3 on your new rig and get it fully patched to 3.1a. FLY IT AT LEAST ONCE.
  2. For MAW, best reinstall methinks - this won't take as long as your old rig - but you may be able to just copy the folder over and then use MultiCFS3 to make it work. Get it from:- www.mnwright.btinternet.co.uk
  3. Get ETO Expansion (see the sticky threads at the top of this forum) and prepare to be amazed!
  4. If you have add-ons other than MAW: aircraft, missions etc, copy the folder over from your old rig to a new folder with a different name and use MultiCFS3 to make the copy work too.
I've just ordered the bits to build a new rig, so like you I'm looking forward to seeing MAW at proper resolution and frame rates as well as enjoying ETO properly. Enjoy, and feel free to ask any more questions. :wave:
OK, so if I go with the game install from scratch, then patch it to 3.1a will I be able to run all the old files from yesteryear or will vista won't allow to run old exe's files designed for XP?

Isn't there a one-file-update all that would give me the engine, cocpit and gun sounds without having to install so many mods?

I remember there was a sticky list of all the best mods for CFS3 and the correct order to install them. Is there such a list out there for Vista64?
AFAIK there are no .EXEs in the add-ons other than generic installers, so you should be good to go. As far as a one-file-update goes, there are none I know of, sorry!
Since you were last here, SOH had a server crash and the sticky you're talking about was lost, along with all threads from before about last September. :banghead: However only the threads were lost, so all the downloads from way back are still available, as well as the CFC posts archive - see the stickies above.

Here are some CFS3 settings for trouble free vista os machine

Normal Settings for Vista play:
cfs3.exe properties:

"run as administrator"
"compatability mode - windows XP (service pack 2)"
User Account Control(UAC):
Turn off for CFS3 play, turn on for internet
You guys are awesome... thank you, thank you, thank you...!

I'll try to get up and flying ASAP

Since you were last here, SOH had a server crash and the sticky you're talking about was lost, along with all threads from before about last September.
That is some sad news... I believe I downloaded or copy pasted that sticky thread on my old PC, I guess I could give it back to the moderators to re-post it if they would like to!
OK downloaded the ETO 1.0 and 1.20, installed the CFS3 and updated to 3.1a, ran it and installed ETO.
But I did not realized that CFS3 intalled in C:program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games..., and ETO got installed in C:program Files\Microsoft Games...

Now ETO won't start, but CFS3.1a still works, I would like to re-install ETO but I don't have an uninstall .exe to remove all traces of ETO from C:program Files\Microsoft Games...

How can I safely remove ETO from my system so I an reinstall it on the correct C:program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games... directory?
Delete the ETO folder from the location you describe and go to C:\Users\YourName\Documents\ folder and delete the CFS3 ETO Expansion folder there. Then delete the desktop shortcuts for ETO which should be there if it successfully installed. That should be that.

Next time take careful note of where CFS3 is already installed - if you get that wrong, I don't think ETO will install successfully at all.

I've been re-installing CFS3 on my new rig and got ETO on it too - wowee! I'm not on Vista, but XP Pro since I decided to wait until Windows 7 is released and stable before taking the plunge. I couldn't help noticing how fast a new rig is compared to the old clunker - ETO took about 12 minutes to fully install - so next I'm going to do a fresh install of MAW rather than copy folders over. When I get back from holiday, that is!

BTW, despite it being a new machine with a reasonable graphics card - all sliders on 5 with vanilla CFS3 - I haven't any stutters. Can't think what I'm doing wrong......
Thanks for replying hairyspin:

I think I got it now but the readme file is a little vague in the intructions for the BDP Zapper...

The BDP Zapper shortcut should be on your Desktop. The BDP Zapper and ZX Zapper are setup to autorun during installation to delete the BDP and ZX files. Open Windows Explorer and verify that the files have been deleted.

Where is it that Im supposed to look for in Windows Explorer to verify that there are no files? Do I have to look at every single folder under the CFS3 ETO directory?

I saw the BDP Zapper run during install, but I still have .bdp files on my guns, pylons and ships folders. Am I supposed to remove them by hand or are those OK to leave? If I double click on the BDP Zapper Icon at the desktop the program runs for a second or two, but the .bdp files are still there on the folders I've already mentioned.

I don't want to run the new install till i confirm on the .bdp files so I won't mess it up again, so I'm waiting on any response. Thank you
If I search within windows for *.bdp it comes up empty and without any items... strange.

Also the *.bdp files in the C;\Program Files (x86)\Microsft Games\CFS3 ETO Expansion directories for guns have a date of 5/20/2008
The *.bdp files in the CFS3 ETO directories for pylons have a date of 5/19/2008
I guess those dates are the time when the addon was created or uploaded, right.

But, the *.bdp files in the CFS3 ETO directories for ships have a date of 10/7/2002 (same date for ships, pylons, ships, etc. in Combat Flight Simulator 3 directory)
Don't know if it means anything, but I think they should be there and not deleted! Am I right?
The .bdp files in question are in the ETO directory and sub-directories and should be deleted with the Zapper before running ETO for the first time. Once ETO runs it will re-make all of them - this is normal, you don't have to re-delete unless modifying or updating/patching your installation.

Not all ship, pylon etc models are affected by the Expansion, but it's easier to delete all of them than try to select the ones unaffected by the Expansion, so don't worry about file dates.