Older Gladiator Missions


Charter Member
I have downloaded these missions and have only 2 that have me scratching my head?

In all 4 missions you open up to fly but all 4 open where the aircraft starts in water and the mission ends.

How do I change the starting airfield in the mission to correct this?

Three of the sites are kiel630 twice and rame574 as starters.

I can just dump the missions but this has my curiousity!

I tried that.

Now I am reading the "Projected knowledge base", post in the Forum for the answer.

In one Mission the ETO Mission builder showed that an "Aircraft Carrier", was required and that was the only one I did not have?

The other two where I start in the water are still problems?

To add to this learning lesson on Missions, I have one where the vehicle in the Mission starts in the water and continues onto the land?

I thought it was the wrong posting and substituted a ship in stead. "Wrong!" The ship continued to move onto the land as the Mission progressed!

Now to solve another problem?

It is still enjoyable!
Surely there is a "readme" for the mission set? One possibility is that ETO has different global layers depending on whether you are flying missions or into campaign play. The campaign play global layer excludes all the seabases. sounds like you are using the global_layer.csv for campaign play, rather than the one with the seabases loaded, for mission play. Not sure if this approach carried through to ETO 1.50. Am making this suggestion without ability to reference my CFS3 computer to see what actually is going on.