On my day off...


Charter Member
I had scheduled today off due to some Christmas program I thought my son was in but turns out that was for a different grade. Good thing I didn't cancel, because we are in a really bad blizzard that doesn't seem to be letting up. So what's a guy to do? Like any red-blooded flightsimmer I fired up FS2004, set the weather to realistic and tried to fly VFR in it. My first flight was with a Hawk 200 from my sister's place in Kalkaska to my local airport in Jenison. Most of the flight went great until I got to about 2000' ASL, then I got whiteout conditions. Using the GPS I lined up for a landing at Riverview and crashed in the Grand River less than a quarter mile from the runway. Three flights later where I took off with the Hawk in whiteout conditions circled around and crashing in various places in Grandville and the Grand River I decided to try in something less demanding--an Aviat Husky. On the first try I landed just right of the runway and ended my roll on it.
These are really deplorable conditions---in real life I wouldn't even think of getting in a plane if the weather was like this but that's the beauty of FS9--I can get away with it for the most part.
Here's a couple screenies--thought I would share.
After finding out is is possible (in theory) to land a plane in blizzard conditions I went right back with the Hawk. Crashed only once. Next time I had to go around several times but I got it lined up; went into the soup and landed right next to the runway (thank goodness for that trailing link landing gear). Of course I pulled up to the hangar and at that point the snow stopped, which prompted me to look out my window...sure enough it stopped for real (at least for now).
Yesterday we had winds up to 60 mph here in Mansfield, OH. I wanted to have some fun in those "gentle breezes", so I flew (or attempted to flew) a number of aircraft...using FSMetars to pull down real weather settings. The "funnest" flights were in the UH-1 Huey....that poor helo was getting blown around like a butterfly in a hurricane. Some of my take offs turned into crashes in short order....bi-planes really catch heck in high winds and will tip over on ya real quick like.

Yep, I am glad that FS9 lets me live through each and every crash.
