On the Green Achivement


Staff member
Land on a grass runway, without using any assistance.

I must be missing something here. I have made some excellent landings on grass runways, gotten credit for the landing and I still don't get this achivement.

What setting am I missing?

BTW I have made some really horrible landings as well. LOL
I had the same problem with this one, it just wouldn't register no matter what I did. Eventually one day it did register when I wasn't even thinking about it, I don't know what I did any different but it just worked eventually.
Make sure all assists are off, not just for aircraft systems but all of them including things like the hud and POI assists. Also make sure you are not using developer mode.
The achievements in this sim are ridiculously bugged. I just got the 100 hour achievement a few weeks ago; I should have had that in 2021. I still don't have some of the ones I met the requirements for years ago.

On the grass one, I'm guess that some sim setting isn't the way MSFS wants it to be to count as "without using assistance."
That would be the Cheech and Chog Achievement.

The scenario for that one is;

You are a commercial pilot flying a private jet. The passengers in the back are smoking copious amounts of Weed.

You get the contact high and have to land the plane.

You don't get the achievement of you land safely. You only get it by screwing up something on the plane.

...smoke it......

Not to steer too far from the intent of this thread ....

...the good 'ol original stuff, NOT this stuff they pulled out of a skunk's hinny skunk.gif