One for the Vietnam Flyers! UH-34 Repaint USMC


Charter Member
Hi All,

I was going to release this as part of a Multi-skin pack but due to time restrictions that's not going to be practical. So I've decided to release them one by one. Here's something I've been fiddling with for a while texture for Sikorsky UH-34D Seahorse N19YN USMC for use with the Willy Vervaecke. S-58 HSS1 available from I will be posting it to the Library this afternoon. I now know somebody's now beaten me to the punch with a repaint of this A/C but I figured I may as well share it anyway

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Kind Regards

Nice one Hooky, looking forward to picking that up later - and intrigued as to what else you have lined up. :jump:
I have always liked the looks of the S-58....ever since I first saw one on the TV show "Rip Tide". Wish there was a model with a decent VC...

Those SimShed packs are really nice, lots of model varients and paint schemes.

Prior to installing those I'd no idea how fond the Brits were of that helicopter!


Looking forward to installing your repaint, would like to see more repaints for this model.
Those SimShed packs are really nice, lots of model varients and paint schemes.

Prior to installing those I'd no idea how fond the Brits were of that helicopter!


Looking forward to installing your repaint, would like to see more repaints for this model.

We weren't exactly fond of it, but the only alternative was the Belvedere and that was (apparently) truly dreadful; mind you, I'd still like one for FS9.
Fond of it or not, it did some sterling service, just ask the specials stranded on yonder glacier.

Nice paint Hooky, don't have this model, will have to rectify that.

We weren't exactly fond of it, but the only alternative was the Belvedere and that was (apparently) truly dreadful; mind you, I'd still like one for FS9.
The Westland Whirlwind and Wessex were the mainstay of RAF Search & Rescue teams for many years until the Sea King came along. I have many memories of them from when I was a kid in the UK. I would dearly love a good version of either for FSX (I prefer to fly helicopters on the 'dark side').
The Westland Whirlwind and Wessex were the mainstay of RAF Search & Rescue teams for many years until the Sea King came along. I have many memories of them from when I was a kid in the UK. I would dearly love a good version of either for FSX (I prefer to fly helicopters on the 'dark side').

Rumour has it that Brian Franklin is working on the Wessex.

I agree, childhood holidays in Cornwall, down near Culdrose, saw lots of those lovely esdg(?)/dayglo SAR birds going overhead. And I saw a 22Sqn SAR Wessex do a display at RIAT one year, for an old helicopter it was flying some very impressive manouvres!!
Rumour has it that Brian Franklin is working on the Wessex.
I heard that rumour too! :icon_twi:

I agree, childhood holidays in Cornwall, down near Culdrose, saw lots of those lovely esdg(?)/dayglo SAR birds going overhead. And I saw a 22Sqn SAR Wessex do a display at RIAT one year, for an old helicopter it was flying some very impressive manouvres!!
My memories of them are from North Wales holidays (probably based in RAF Valley) or buzzing around in the Peak District National Park. I do remember clambering all over a Wessex when I was a spotty Air Cadet during my home town's 800th birthday celebrations. The RAF put on an impressive static display that included the nose of a Shackleton on a trailer, a Red Arrows Gnat (in the showroom of a local car dealer and I got to sit in the cockpit for at least 20 minutes while trying to answer questions from the visiting Joe Public), the Wessex and the RAF Regiment with a trailer-borne anti-aircraft missile system.
Apologies for the Delay folks due to a distinctly 'iffy' internet connection and my FS9 ring having been commandeered I'm afraid it shall be unavailable until tomorrow.

for those interested the Repaint jobs list for this model currently looks like his

-Aeronavale HSS1 - several schemes will probably be next just need to tweak the night textures and a few other details.

-Armee d'lair - Algeria scheme still in progress

-Royal Lao Air Force -Will follow above

-USN HSS1 Seabat - Needs 'night' textures

-Luftwaffe scheme - Just started

more to come watch this space....

Still downloading the Wessex so I can fly it around the UK while pretending to be Prince William! LOL!
Pretending to be his father more like as Prince Charles qualified on the Wessex back in the day. William flies the Sea King and his little bro is currently in training on the Apache. Could you imagine the noise if they all arrived at the palace for tea at the same time! :isadizzy:
Oh no...not going to pretend to be Prince Charles. I catch enough flak about MY ears, no way in H E Double Hockey Sticks am I going to pretend to be anyone with ears like his! Whoooooooo! Not going there today, tomorrow or the next day. LOL!

Oh no...not going to pretend to be Prince Charles. I catch enough flak about MY ears, no way in H E Double Hockey Sticks am I going to pretend to be anyone with ears like his! Whoooooooo! Not going there today, tomorrow or the next day. LOL!
ROFL...that's why you rarely see him in an open top car, the drag is too great!
ROFL...that's why you rarely see him in an open top car, the drag is too great!

And as he powers his Aston Martin by wine anyway ........

Hey Tim, if the Wessex was good enough for Kubrick (he used them in Full Metal Jacket) surely you can compromise a little? And I'm sure your ears are perfectly fine.

Looking forward to these repaints from Hooky, sound like some gems in there. And this particular S-58 is very nice (followed it's development for a looong time), even without a VC .... erm to tackle the VC?
Fond of it or not, it did some sterling service, just ask the specials stranded on yonder glacier.


ah; methinks you mean 'Humphrey'; the one assigned to HMS Antrim and the Fortuna Glacier incident...
google 'Operation Paraquat'; sterling bit of flying.

