

Todt Von Oben

How can my buddy and I get set up to dogfight each other?

We both have Roadrunner as our ISP. Could we do it somehow through RR?

Would we need to get a server to support a dedicated website?

We're interested in individual combat between the two of us.

Thanks in advance.

hi Todt,
its quiet easy, one of u hosts the game through OFF MP and the other joins(you should know host's IP to join)... the only problem might be port forwarding, that is if your modem has built-in firewall... I suggest u google your modems model and include words 'port forwarding' or 'open ports', something like that: 'my modem(that's brand and #) port forwarding'...
that should give u some links with 'how-to'
hi Todt,
its quiet easy, one of u hosts the game through OFF MP and the other joins(you should know host's IP to join)... the only problem might be port forwarding, that is if your modem has built-in firewall... I suggest u google your modems model and include words 'port forwarding' or 'open ports', something like that: 'my modem(that's brand and #) port forwarding'...
that should give u some links with 'how-to'

Oh, OK. So it IS possible to dogfight "live" with other people in OFF. For some reason I thought it was all AI.

Mine is in the mail. I suppose it will all become clear when it arrives.

When you say he needs to know my IP: does that mean the name of my Internet Provider, or my computer's IP number. (I'm guessing it's the latter.)

When you guys host games, do you make announcements about it here on the forum?

Seeing how you do it once would probably answer any questions I might have. Possible?


It is possible, but Dogfighting is defenitely effected by Latency, which is basically a split second delay between the bullets leaving your gun and hitting a moving target.

There are games 'Hosted' but NOT Combat
It is possible, but Dogfighting is defenitely effected by Latency, which is basically a split second delay between the bullets leaving your gun and hitting a moving target.

There are games 'Hosted' but NOT Combat

Hmmmm..."latency" it still possible to take the lag into consideration and shoot the other guy down?

When you say it's not combat: does that mean all the live players may only engage the AI targets? Or can we dogfight each other?

Again, I'm sure it will become clear when I finally get a chance to see it; but I'm kind of curious tonight.


It has to do with your position in the network that night, one guy will ALWAYS BE the winner, the loser will be hit by bullets from Nowhere, all night long. It's rather difficult to get volunteers.

So they fly Cooperative Missions. The 1st Flight takes out the fighters, the Second Flight MG's the decks of the cruiser, as the torpedo bombers go in

Look for any postings of the Boys of 60 Squadron :ernae:
It has to do with your position in the network that night, one guy will ALWAYS BE the winner, the loser will be hit by bullets from Nowhere, all night long. It's rather difficult to get volunteers.

So they fly Cooperative Missions. The 1st Flight takes out the fighters, the Second Flight MG's the decks of the cruiser, as the torpedo bombers go in

Look for any postings of the Boys of 60 Squadron :ernae:

one guy will ALWAYS BE the winner, the loser will be hit by bullets from Nowhere, all night long.

Sounds like where I work. :173go1:

Well, thanks for the tips. When I get the machine up and running, I'll watch for your game and tag along to see how it goes.

Prost! :ernae:

It has to do with your position in the network that night, one guy will ALWAYS BE the winner, the loser will be hit by bullets from Nowhere, all night long. It's rather difficult to get volunteers.

not true,Gimpy, the one can always adjust as long as he is competitive and have desire not to be a punching bag...