One ? this time



This is good stuff!!!!

I just shot down my first airplane---- but I have know idea what in the heck it was except it had "iron crosses" on it and burned as it crashed. Now I have to fill out a report and get frustrated over the nasty comments about my lack of expertise in aircraft ID-ing. Heck fire I just got the DVD yesterday---- GIVE ME A BREAK!!!

Where are pictures of these so I can get use to ID-ing Ac in flight.

I have no trouble with WW11 planes-- but that took some time also.

Thanks CW3SF
Hello pleased you are enjoying OFF P3.

To see specs and pics of each craft go to quick combat and select any friendly or enemy craft in the selection boxes and then press the appropriate button in the menu bar:

Player Craft Stats
Enemy Craft Stats


Ctrl-Shift-L will give you the name label until you learn the planes. Map it to a joystick button and flip it off as soon as you know.
Also press Esc when in the sim, and click on the menu to get to the menus,
(can;t rem what it's called but basically near the bottom there is a link for manuals). Here you can access three manuals. 1st manual is keys, and scroll down for Aircraft recognition :)
Or you could alter Labels to respond on a single keystroke in control options. Then you wouldn't need to tie-up a joystick function.

Ditto for Mixture Idle Cut-off ( instantaneous engine kill )

There are many Keys not utilized by OFF, which are just sitting there:

G - Gear
F & V - flap control
B - Brakes
There's 9 in all :ernae:
At least you knew one thing right: you had to shoot the ones with the Maltese Cross/Iron Cross on - otherwise you would have been in for severe trouble, I suppose.

If you want to see more of these planes and colours/markings, try this:
Congratulations on your first kill! Odds are that it was an Albatros.

Using the labels as already described is probably the easiest and fastest way to get your eye in.