Online flying on the new FS Host server


Retired SOH Admin
Ladies and Gentlemen

I have been having a blast flying online on the new FS Host server. I have not flown with anyone yet, but I have been flying the Hawaii Hops list...and it is a blast seeing parts of the world I would ordinarily never have flown in. I have done a bit of flying around in Hawaii, but mainly when I was testing a new plane or paint...nothing planned, never really got more than a few miles from the air port. Using the Hawaii Hops, I have flown from one island to another to another and have really been blown away with the scenery I have been flying through. I am using a free Hawaii mesh I picked up over on Simviation and a set of replacement Cliff textures from there as well....and Hawaii looks amazing! And the mesh I am using is not the cat's meow...there is freeware mesh available that is even nicer!...I just haven't bothered downloading it and installing yet.

If you folks have not taken advantage of the new online FS Host, which is part of the current updating, upgrading and expansion that SOH/ is undergoing at the moment....I highly suggest that you hop on over to Sim, register, do some reading to learn how to forward the ports on your model/router and give online flying a try. There will be additional hop lists added once the new server and forums are all squared away....some legs are short suitable for low and slow GA, some are longer and will allow you to use various types of multi-engine and jet aircraft.

Heck, get together with some of your online buddies, plan a Friday or Saturday night all fire up at 7PM at a designated airport, take off and fly to another airport...and you can even talk to each other as you fly along since the new FS Host server also has a full function Team Speak server....

The FS Host and Team Speak servers are ours....use them! Get involved online with your simming, do some formation flying with a group of friends....jump into your favorite war birds and do an air show together, have air races for goodness sake...there are pylon racing scenery that each of you can install and race around.

I look forward to the day that I can spend an few hours online with some of the fine folks on this site, flying along, chatting our heads off, getting to know one another better, sharing some laughs and good times.

I agree Obio, Hawaii looks beautiful in Feb. for this northerner!