Only as a Public Service



Some have Never Dealt with Paypal before
And some have gotten burnt BAD

Not to toot my own horn, but coming from someone who has been a 'verified' member of Paypal, since 2002, never had a bit of trouble. They tried all kinds of Scams, almost daily, for about six months, to get my password.

Just Follow One Golden Rule . . . YOU contact them, and Please NEVER clic on a Link, they might look totally Legit.. . . they ain't

Nomatter what happens,. . Paypal Will NEVER contact YOU

PS . . This assumes you don't have a keylogger watching your every move :kilroy:
And No, I don't know the release Date of Phase 3

I'm not connected in any way

In fact someone wishes, I'd stick my head in the toilet bowl three times, and only take it out twice.

Mick Jagger, summed it up quite well: "You can't always get, what you want" :costumes:
I have to agree... Gimp is right. Been a member since 2001... no issues.

Tons of fake emails, but never opened them, or entertained them.

My Paypal account is locked and loaded, just waiting for Phase 3 to stick it's head out!:sniper: Been a Paypal member since last year. No problems here.

Me too with Paypal, no trouble at all ,you just need to take sensible precautions, after all there are a lot of bad people out there,DON'T MAKE IT EASY FOR THEM. On the subject of P3, I wish I knew when it's arriving, November 11th at 11AM would be an appropriate time, what say you all?