Onscreen messages


What's the edit I need to use to enable/disable the onscreen messages such as "Main exit opening" and "Tailhook extending"?
Thank you. Actually I had already deleted the messages and wanted to get them back so that I know if the tailhook is actually down without checking from an external view. Your post showed me what I'd changed and, for once, I had kept the original, so now I am ok.
Ah, right.
I've learned to live with not knowing if the sim is paused, in slew, or hanging ;)
Now I need to figure out how to make Active Sky stop scrolling weather stations all over my pristine screen...
Ah, right.
I've learned to live with not knowing if the sim is paused, in slew, or hanging ;)
Now I need to figure out how to make Active Sky stop scrolling weather stations all over my pristine screen...
Options screen, left side, about midway down - check the "Disable Text Messages" box.
Thank you, Tom.
I've just installed AS for the first time, and have just jumped in, as you do.
It's a big programme...so far I've managed to crippled my frame rates.
It'll get sorted though, and the effects are grand.