It's possible to delete all messages at once with this :
Flight Simulator 2004 Pop-up Message Killer ZipDive! Download
File Description:
This is a follow-up to the original FS2004 language.dll file modification and will more extensively eliminate pop-up scroll bar messages. This new .dll mod will now eliminate FS2004 pop-up scroll bar messages including, brakes, parking brake set, wings folding/unfolding, tailhook down/up, main exit opening/closing, crash, building crash, mountain crash, stall, overspeed, simulation paused, instant replay, slew, among others. Please read the file usage warning and installation notes before using. Note: This .dll modification will only work with english language installations of Flight Simulator 2004.
License: Freeware
Added: 3rd October 2004, 17:09:36
Downloads: 9202
Author: Julie Rhodes
Size: 38kb