Ooh, that's gonna smart...



...when the missus finds out. I've just ordered a Dell 30" monitor.:karate:

Well, I spend a lot of time in front of this monitor (work & play), so it's legit.

Isn't it? :gossip:

If I were you I'd hide the rolling pin....and the frying pans.....and the.....
I think it might be quicker and easier (and safer) if I just hide myself. We have an en-suite in the coach-house, I might lock myself in there for a few days. :icon_lol:
OMG!... Ive just checked my supplier!..... Hope your life insurance pays up m8!!!!:173go1:
Dare I ask £?

Er...I feel queazy...£1080. That's with a 3-year premium warranty thrown in by the reseller though, which is worth a bit on it's own. And the price on the Dell site itself, before they took them down (they ran out I think), was £1600.

I'm not sure if those points constitute a defence or just mitigating circumstances. I shall offer them from behind the safety of the locked coach-house doors regardless.
I think I got away with it.

"I ordered a new monitor."

"Why, what's wrong with the one you've got?" (11-year old daughter).

"Nothing, I just wanted a bigger one."

"But that's a waste of money."


"You could spend it on food."

"That's already covered."

"Isn't the one you've got big enough?" (Wife).

"It's ok, but on the big one I'll be able to have Dreamweaver and Photoshop open at the same time."

Wife grimaces.

"It's good! It'll save loads of time when I'm working!"

Wife walks away.

"Don't you want to know how much it cost?"

"No!" (laughing).

"Good, I wasn't going to tell you anyway."

Then I discussed the merits with my daughter of buying stuff instead of watching it vanish anyway on frippary and kipple and ending up with nothing to show for it.

Then I was sucked into discussing a holiday in Spain with the family. "£150 for a passport for the cat!" I cried after looking it up.

And I was asked if I'd be able to sell the current monitor. "Oh yes, it's worth a few bob, and Paul keeps badgering me to sell it to him..."

Dog-fighting Albatrosses is a bit easier.
Back when OFF was brand-new, there was a Sticky to the effect of:

The Developers can not be held responsable, for a havta have video card. Or spending your house payment for a new Mobo

SMALL TIMERS :sheep::sheep::sheep::sheep:
Now you had to spend all that money because you just won't turn on labels.:banghead:
Now you had to spend all that money because you just won't turn on labels.:banghead:

I hadn't thought of that one.

"Darling, I'll be able to see the hun more easily."

Actually I think it's probably best if I don't mention that.
ROTFL! Too right! Never give female logic a way in, else all is doomed.... doomed I tell ye.
Siggi, did you think about the size/resolution relationship?
You may even need a new vid card.

And fighting the Albatros' is only easier, when I'm not in the cockpit, m8!
Siggi, did you think about the size/resolution relationship?
You may even need a new vid card.

And fighting the Albatros' is only easier, when I'm not in the cockpit, m8!

The 8800gtx should be able to handle it, but if not I'll drop the rez back until it's happy. My brother has one (a Dell 30") and he plays all his games at 1600x1200 and they look pukka. :)
Hip Hip Siggi- One of the lads steps up and says "done"! ..and it's far less problematic then an "extended pub crawl" :ernae:

SIGGI, tell me more about the ...

CAT going on holiday?



PS I can't let my wife see this thread or she'll want to bring both dogs and the two cats on the next holiday!