Oooh - what a feeeeeling!!!


The Bordeaux-Red Baron
Bank account balanced - and "Between Heaven and Hell" ordered!
I must be the last forum member to say this. What a relief!
Now I'll have my very own copy and give my neighbours' back to him.

I got an Order-Nr. and will get informed about the shipping.

But one thing for the OFF-Team: I had to search the damn BUY NOW-button.
Since you made this second forum for the new BHaH aera, I don't come in here via the "Over Flanders Fields" main page with the button any more.
Perhaps that is only so on my system, but if not, I'd change it, as people wouldn't get the news about the release then, and the BUY-button? :gossip:
Well done Oldham thanks,

BUY Now? It's a huge yellow button on our main website page LOL :)

I fixed the web pages links... refresh your browser. Ctrl + F5 when on our site !
Yes, Pol, I knew it was a big yellow button - all the time.
But I may have saved the link direct into the forum, without coming to the mainpage - could be my mistake.
Well, it is about time! Now zere vill be justice in ze fazerlant. Ze Bordeaux Red Baron vill rid ze heavens auf ze enemy hordes. Hopefully you will not agonize now about the delivery time. You sure have been patient. Good things come to those who wait, sooner better than later, yes?
I'm hoping to order a copy in a week or so. The $2600 vet bill for my Rottie just took a little out of me. :kilroy:
RICKITY, I'm lucky - my neighbour and friend has BHaH already, and borrowed me the DVD, cause he has a looong weekend (his lady does all she can, to distract him from flying).

Gerhardt, hold on. I thought, I was the last one - now, this honour is yours (lol!)

At the very top-left of the forum page, see the banner for Over Flander's Fields, BHAH? Click on it. :friday:
RICKITY, I'm lucky - my neighbour and friend has BHaH already, and borrowed me the DVD, cause he has a looong weekend (his lady does all she can, to distract him from flying).

Now that brings a few images to the minds eye....
Blimey!..expensive to remove postmen from his Jaws eh?:ernae:

No, Gretchen had hemangiosarcoma, a blood seeking cancer. At the age of 11, about a year past the high side of the average life span for a Rottie, she fell ill three weeks ago. A trip to the vet led to a trip to a specialist. Then to surgery to remove a tumor that turned out to be big enough to fill a gallon bucket, and her spleen, along with a couple of small ones that were on the lining of her abdomen. She was up and awake in her cage less than 1/2 an hour after almost 2 hours of major surgery. She's stunned everyone with a rapid recovery, she gets her sutures out Monday, she's only had a little drainage as far as problems go. I'm sure plenty of people will think it stupid to spend $2600 on a dog that old. But now she acts like she's 6-7 years old again, and the dog has been faithful, loyal, and wonderful for 11 years. She was in great shape other than the tumor, and had what turned out to be a stronger desire to live than even I had seen in her. To me it was $2600 well spent. After the 11 years she's given me, I owed her the best chance she could have at more good years. It looks like it's going to be a really good investment.
CONGRATS OLHAM! Glad to hear your copy is on the way. Now you can wipe the drool off of Uwe's copy and return it. lol.

Blimey!..expensive to remove postmen from his Jaws eh?:ernae:
To be honest, I guess they had to remove the Dog from the postmans jaws!
No, noe more joking on this. Our Golden Retriever went under a knee(?) surgery years ago, and it took € 3000, but it was worth every cent of it, cause he is running and fooling around like a young one, by the age of 11 now.

:focus: Gerhard, be patient, OFF3 IS WORTH WAITING EVERY MINUTE OF IT!!!!!!!!!!!
No, Gretchen had hemangiosarcoma, a blood seeking cancer. At the age of 11, about a year past the high side of the average life span for a Rottie, she fell ill three weeks ago. A trip to the vet led to a trip to a specialist. Then to surgery to remove a tumor that turned out to be big enough to fill a gallon bucket, and her spleen, along with a couple of small ones that were on the lining of her abdomen. She was up and awake in her cage less than 1/2 an hour after almost 2 hours of major surgery. She's stunned everyone with a rapid recovery, she gets her sutures out Monday, she's only had a little drainage as far as problems go. I'm sure plenty of people will think it stupid to spend $2600 on a dog that old. But now she acts like she's 6-7 years old again, and the dog has been faithful, loyal, and wonderful for 11 years. She was in great shape other than the tumor, and had what turned out to be a stronger desire to live than even I had seen in her. To me it was $2600 well spent. After the 11 years she's given me, I owed her the best chance she could have at more good years. It looks like it's going to be a really good investment.

Great Stuff!... I love Dogs.
We got a Collie called Max from the Dog Pound 4 yrs ago..He's a lovely animal, and when we got him, he had two open sores on his rear leg.
We were told that his previous owner had burnt him with cigarettes...but after a month of having him, they hadn't healed...So off to the vet, where an X-Ray was duly taken..and it was discovered that he had a metal plate in his leg, due to him having a broken leg at some stage... The plate should have been removed after 6 months...but it was estimated it had been in for over a year!...The sores were caused by the two screws holding the plate to his bone, and they had calcified! was removed, and £500 later...he was back to full health.
He is my best friend, and like you amount of money could possibly be too much for loyalty and devotion and friendship.:ernae:
Gerhardt and Widowmaker, the ammount of money doesn't matter, when we love someone.
And it's not my bad English, when I choose to say someONE. To me, animals are little persons too, so they are not "it" to me, but "he" or "she".
They all have their individual characters, and, in their own way, they can even speak to us. We must only listen...
Hello Olham,
you and i must have some similar bank account conditions, i ordered OFF only yesterday - but how i have waited for this :amen:

My god, CATFISH - and I always thought, I was the last one around here.
You will be happy with it! The new AI is much like real human pilots! I think, the devels have made them different skills. Some are rookies, some veterans, and some are aces. I have so far only made three Campaign flights, cause I really do them quite seriously; and one flight with enemy contact is enough to exhaust me - adrenalin level is pretty high after that, and I have to take a walk or make a tea for coming down a bit.
So far, I haven't met an ace yet. That maybe the reason why my pilot is still there (Lol!)
I wish you a quick delivery!
Great Stuff!... I love Dogs.
We got a Collie called Max from the Dog Pound 4 yrs ago..He's a lovely animal, and when we got him, he had two open sores on his rear leg.
We were told that his previous owner had burnt him with cigarettes...but after a month of having him, they hadn't healed...So off to the vet, where an X-Ray was duly taken..and it was discovered that he had a metal plate in his leg, due to him having a broken leg at some stage... The plate should have been removed after 6 months...but it was estimated it had been in for over a year!...The sores were caused by the two screws holding the plate to his bone, and they had calcified! was removed, and £500 later...he was back to full health.
He is my best friend, and like you amount of money could possibly be too much for loyalty and devotion and friendship.:ernae:
truely and heartly signed!:ernae:

@Catfish, nice to have you aboard!:friday: