Opening Runways?


Charter Member
I was wondering.....for example, I'd love to open the second set of runways at my KHIO using FLightzone 2 scenery. Can someone tell me how I can do that? I know at some airports it will ask you to pick a runway......I'd like to do this with KHIO also and probably others.
You would open Khio in afcad, and click on that runway (or access it from the drop-down runway list);Than, look for the checkbox that indicates 'closed for takeoff' or 'closed for landing' and uncheck them. MSFS ATC still may not use that runway much, though, as it tends to default to the longer/approach-served/more-convenient-for-stock-atc runway.....hth
Ya, I tried that and all was good.

I Know in some airports I've loaded and used that it allows you to ask for an alternate runway other than what is being given. I wondering if it has something to do with supplied approaches in the system.?

As far as I can determine, even with all runways open, the ATC function defaults to:
1. longest ILS runway regardless of wind
2. only ILS runway, regardless of wind
3. longest runway with an approach if no ILS
4. Longest runway
.. until windspeed is near the 36kt maximum. Practice your crosswind techniques!

I have never seen it 'offer' a crossing runway.. you can get (occasionally) a different approach to a different runway but are then also given 'circle for..." the runway determined as above. Only time I've been able to fool it is when I am the very first local or flightplanned a/c taxiing an airport and the wind is at max... then ATC will generously give you the into-wind runway and keep it so until you land or depart.

Correct...stock ATC will never 'offer' a crossing is believed microsoft did it this way to prevent problems with the arrival/departure aircraft streams. A 'star' afcad will allow for more alternatives, but the drawback is they all show up in atis, as well as 'unrealistic' procedures implemented as a result. They are more for ai anyway. hth