Does anyone know if the Dam busters missions can be added to the ETO without any problems ? only asking as its a self installer.

Spitflyer, I don't know if it will work for sure. That was not tested with ETOE. However, you can easily get around the self-installer by doing this:
1. Re-name your CFS3 main game folder. Whenever I do this, I just add one character at the end of the folder's name.
2. Create a new (dummy) folder in the same location and name it Combat Flight Simulator 3.
3. Run the self-installer and aim it at this dummy folder. Note: I believe that there is a water-fix program and a missing pylons program for this mission, too, so do them the same way and at the same time.
4. After you run this self-installer, and the water-fix, cut and paste this dummy folder to another location, away from your original Combat Flight Simulator 3 folder. Then re-name the original Combat Flight Simulator main game folder to its original name.
5. Start ETOE in Era 1 and and then exit. (This is Rule #1 when installing
anything into ETO.)
6. This actual mission occurred in May of 1943, so we are talking about ETO Era 3. Now go into the dummy folder and copy and paste everything into your ETO folder, preferably one file at a time, making very sure that anything that will be overwritten is backed up, including your effects.xml.
I would place the mission xml file in the historical folder in the 1943_missions folder.
Note: I cannot guarantee that installing this will work. Just make sure that everything that will be replaced is backed up first. I also do not know what effect the water-fix will have on ETO. In addition, I do not know if there would be any global layer concerns with this mission, as I saw nothing in the package conerning the global layer.
If this mission does not work properly, simply delete everything you have installed and replace those items that were overwritten with the ones you had backed up.
Good luck.