Operation Sea Lion


Charter Member
Thought I'd make use of my nice long strings of barges to mount an invasion of southern England :rocket:. Trouble is, I cannot get the Mission Builder to work in Pat's Bob. I've got the Mission Builder working happily in MAW, PTO, ETO and stock CFS3, but I'm thinking that maybe the registry is getting confused with so many entries because when I run mb in Pat's Bob, it freezes after opening and I get the dreaded "Combat Fight Simulator will now close" message.

All very frustrating because I would like the mission set up in the Bob install. Looks like I will have to revert to Era 2 in ETO, and make a mission for that install? It's a pity, because otherwise my install of Pat's Bob is working well, and looks luscious on a WQHD screem. I've been flying a campaign in August 1940, and have been run ragged flying intercept missions over southern England, with glorious blue skies and very high cloud cover. I really like the trees and scenery tiles that Clive has chosen for this install, it has been very immersive.

On takeoff a few missions ago, I encountered a flight of Ju87s escorted with a handful of me109s (random spawn air_eeb.xml). My flight was climbing in a turn when the stukas peeled off and attacked the neighbouring airbase. A truly immersive moment!
Sounds like a registry issue. My suggestion would be to use the ETO 1.50 Mission Builder then manually edit the aircraft and facility files with BoB appropriate names.