Operation Thunderbolt-Raid on Entebbe




Pretty new to FS. Just wondering if it is possible using AI, to recreate the flight path of the 4 C130 Hercs to Entebbe. I have an AI C130, just not sure how to use AI or create a mission.

Any help much appreciated.

Jeffbird, welcome to the Out House. It's a great place to hang out, ask questions, find out about new releases....just beware of all the lunatics who dwell here...there are many of us who long ago lost our marbles and really don't care to go looking for them.

Now to your question...is it possible to set up a flight of 4 AI C130s to fly to Entebbe. Yes. Or at least I am sure it is. There are tools that you can use to set up AI flights, tools to set up various airports to handle AI flights.

Beyond telling you that it is possible and there there are tools to do it, I am of little to no use to you (actually I am of little use to anyone, that's why they put me on the staff here at SOH LOL!). I don't have the foggiest notion of how to set up AI traffic...wish I did as I would love to have AI C-130s flying into and out of my home airport (KMFD...home of the 179th Air Lift Wing and their C-130Hs). I see these planes nearly every day as they fly about....my house is 3 miles due East from the end of runway 32 and those big birds come over my house low low low!

I know that there are plenty of members here who know how to set up AI flights, so lets hope that one of them will be kind enough to come into this thread and tell us both how to do it.

We could do it interactively if you like, right here.
What are the flight start, waypoints, and endpoints?
Beware, making AI traffic is addictive! I have all kinds of AI that I have programmed for my local airports, spend almost as much time doing that as I do sitting in the sim watching them fly around, lol.
Thanks Guys,

At least i know its possible, just need to work out what tools i need.

Much appreciated.

One of the tools you'll need is AFCAD....this tool will allow you to set up the airports to properly handle AI traffic. Taxiway paths, parking spots of the proper type, taxi hold points and the like. Very powerful took, yet surprisingly easy once you have used it a bit...very intuitive. I have used AFCAD to place start points and parking places on some scenery that did not have them....and to create my own personal parking spots... "This spot reserved for the world's worst pilot" sign are freely sprinkled throughout my sims.

Another tool you'll need is Traffic Tools. I have it downloaded, installed....but have not the foggiest how to use it.

I think you can find both of these on FLightsim.com.

Use TTools to decompile/compile traffic.bgl.

SimAi to write out plans(or do it manually, which isn't that hard once you figure it out)

Use Afcad or ADE9x for placing parking at specific airports.

After you figure that out you can make your own traffic files with certain airports, add your own airplanes, and own flight plans in a seperate .bgl.

Be prepared to be hooked.


Pretty new to FS. Just wondering if it is possible using AI, to recreate the flight path of the 4 C130 Hercs to Entebbe. I have an AI C130, just not sure how to use AI or create a mission.

Any help much appreciated.


Jeff, if you are interested in making AI traffic (or just using it) here is an assortment of AI-links I have collected. Some of the links may be dead already and some are pages written in Finnish (my own language - FS Nordic for example), but hope this helps too.






























http://www.airfleets.net/flottecie/My Travel Airways.htm





http://homepage.ntlworld.com/sergs.skj/SKJ ActiveAITraffic/main.htm











Edit: a couple of AI tutorials more:

Cheers Guys,

Really appreciate all the help.

Happy New Year:ernae:

Hi Jeff,

This time last year I did the Israeli raid on Beirut, though unfortunately the pictures are no longer in the archive: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/showthread.php?t=6792

You could certainly use the Early 60s Entebbe for your scenario if you haven't already got it:


Don't forget to put Idi's MiGs in (& blow them up)!

Happy New Year :salute: !


Wow! Thank you for this contribution. It will be helpful to many. :applause:

Wow, again!
Thank you Pekka, there I was wondering what to do with my sim this morning, and ended up putting in Nick's exhaust and A2A 3D lights on all the AI Airbuses, from the Alpha India Group's site!
And, for a gritty take on the world of FS developers, how about The Fruit Stand response to a hacker?

I think Pekka's post should be made sticky somewhere - certainly the Brazilian AI site shoud be compulsory reading if you're starting out on the AI road.
Don't forget to take a little time to read the instructions that come with Traffic Tools and AFCAD. They'll tell you pretty much all there is to know about AI in easy to understand directions. The AFCAD manual will tell you everything about setting up airports for AI.

One of the very few, very advanced things the TT manual won't tell you is how to make an AI flight that isn't a straight line between two airports. I know the Entebbe raid followed a flight path that was not a straight line between airports. Neither FS9 nor Traffic Tools were ever intended to have AI flights with in-flight turn points. There are people here who have figured out a way to do that, but I'm not one of them...

All I can tell you is that it apparently can be done, but it requires some pretty advanced know-how.

You might also want to pick up a flight planning program like yRoute. Writing AI flight plans manually is incredibly tedious!
You are welcome Milton and Wing Z and I forgot...

Happy New Year 2010 for everyone!

One of the very few, very advanced things the TT manual won't tell you is how to make an AI flight that isn't a straight line between two airports. I know the Entebbe raid followed a flight path that was not a straight line between airports. Neither FS9 nor Traffic Tools were ever intended to have AI flights with in-flight turn points. There are people here who have figured out a way to do that, but I'm not one of them...

All I can tell you is that it apparently can be done, but it requires some pretty advanced know-how.

That's a thing I'd really want to know how, but not managed to find anywhere a tutor or even readmes how to do it.

For example once I tried to make an AI flightplan to Lukla airport (surrounded by high mountains - btw great fun flying there manually). All the airplanes went there over the mountains and that's why never couldn't descent a mile or so into the valley during so short distance to the airfield. All missed the landing.

The only way to make this possible would be a flight route through the surrouding valleys, but how to make turn points in FS9 AI? That's the question.

I've done something like this by creating airports along the route, doing an IFR touch and go and timing the departure a couple of minutes after, so it doesn't respawn.

It's not always successful, and remember if you fly along with AI you affect it!
I once asked someone (can't remember who) if they did it by creating fictional airports with invisible runways (very short, and with a width of zero) up in the air at cruising altitude, and having the planes scheduled to land there and take off again in just a few minutes (as suggested above) so they'd just touch & go without taxing in and parking.

The reply I got was "something like that."

I guess that should work, as long as you don't object to the AI plane dropping its gear at each turn point. I've never tried it though, and there may be more to it than that...
Yes if I remember the airport cannot be higher than 1500' AGL.

We will regret not starting a new AI thread with all this discussion BTW - no-one will remember Raid on Entebbe! ;)
I don't have the foggiest notion of how to set up AI traffic...wish I did as I would love to have AI C-130s flying into and out of my home airport (KMFD...home of the 179th Air Lift Wing and their C-130Hs). I see these planes nearly every day as they fly about....my house is 3 miles due East from the end of runway 32 and those big birds come over my house low low low! OBIO

OBIO, go here


downsize the map to your state, OHIO, and 1 file will come up, Great Lakes ANG Part 1. Click on it and download. It includes the 179th ALW out of KMFD! You'll have your C-130Hs flying from there. Includes an afcad for them to work. May even be some scenery.