Operation Torch, the invasion of North Africa


Charter Member 2011
I recently acquired this US Navy photo of L-4A 42-36389 departing USS Ranger 11/8/1942 during Operation Torch, the invasion of North Africa. This photograph is significant in that this carrier launch by 42-36389 was the first combat mission ever flown by the Piper L-4 but of course many more were to follow. Below is a link to more information concerning Operation Torch which would provide a good basis for a mission package for sure. The markings on the L-4 included an orange-yellow nose and insignia surround. The aircraft is equipped with a Army BC-659 radio and fixed wire antenna.


Okay this information is what I need to build a good historical mission Thanks for this..:applause:
Off to get a few Torch missions set up..

Yep back in a missions mode, L-5 and P-40's flys better inverted when building missions..

Oh yea!
Off to wreck perfectly good aircraft again..
:icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol:
Okay this information is what I need to build a good historical mission Thanks for this..:applause:
Off to get a few Torch missions set up..

Yep back in a missions mode, L-5 and P-40's flys better inverted when building missions..

Oh yea!
Off to wreck perfectly good aircraft again..
:icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol:

Lots of good mission possibilities with US vs French aircraft, lots of Wildcats and Dauntless action in Operation Torch.
Would be cool to see a Vichy skin for dancat's Hawk 75 for some of those dogfights with Wildcats, interesting scenario between two US-built aircraft (using the same engine too if I'm not mistaken).
Lots of good mission possibilities with US vs French aircraft, lots of Wildcats and Dauntless action in Operation Torch.

Thanks very much, for the infomation..
I am pleased to do these with information like this to use..:applause:
I stated P-40's because I really like them , and this info led me to more info on them during this time.. ..
The F4F's and navy missions will be the basis for all of these with some Axis, and later P-40 missions..
Have a idea this will not be a small missions package..Oh yea!

I am getting these started today, and will have a Torch set with many different aircraft.
This will be fun..
Off to trash some birds..:icon_lol:
Bravo Talon, I remembered you had a set for the Torch operations..
:applause: :applause: :applause:
Too cool!
That is why I was thinking of something different..
:salute: :salute: :salute: