Opinions needed from Warthog Drivers


Charter Member
I am planning to take the plunge and get the Aerosoft A-10 Warthog and become a "Hog Driver" of a different sort. Sooo, I thought I'd see if there were any of you who were proud owners of this model and ask what you thought.

The visual model looks stunning to me, and the 2D and VC cockpits seem very well thought out, just from the screenies I have seen of this plane over at the Aerosoft website. the "Tracking Radar" and "Gun Firing" and weapons effects make the temptation impossible to resist. I had heard that the model was a frame rate killer, tho... and back when I really wanted to buy the plane, the PC that I had at the time wouldn't have supported it.

I have 2 very fast machines now so hopefully frame rates won't be an issue. Just wanted to see if anyone else was "busting tanks" with one of these and if so, what do you think?

The visual model and cockpit are good, but I found the flight dynamics a bit random so it didn't stay in my hangar that long.........:faint:

Shame as it could have been great.

Best wishes

I'm going to second what Nige said....It looks great and does have some neat features but the FDE needs some work....can't put my finger on it, but has erratic pitch sensitivities and other anomalies. Also, should you decide to take the plunge, get the Yago paint for it available on this site. Not only is it an outstanding paint, but I believe he has included a fix for the obnoxious 'shine' on the model as well. HTH
the VC gauge refresh rates are very very choppy. This has nothing to do w/ ftps, but the number of VC entries in the panel.cfg. Because this is an older product, the vc is divided into many sections, making the instrument updates too slow...i stopped flying it for this reason (can't do precision flying at all). If you only from the 2D view, then there's no problem.

all recent aircrafts have only 1 vc entry...and thus the ultra-smooth gauge updates.

Well I took the plunge... and here are the facts:

Overall, I am very pleased with the product.:jump:

You all were correct in your assesments, gentlemen. The VC Cockpit layout in the panel.cfg being the #1 priority. I don't think I have seen as many VC entries in any other plane, payware or freeware. The refresh rate on the gauges in the VC really hammers the overall performance of the plane from that view, the 2D panel works fine. Since I do most of my technical flying from the 2D panel, the VC isn't a priority right now.

The FDE is somewhat irratic, enough to be noticable.... but not bad when you consider that the average speed of the A-10 at low level is just under 220 Knots IAS.(Unless someone is shooting unfriendly projectiles at you from behind) Still, another area that I will address at some point in time.

As far as the "shiney" model, AeroSoft has a fix for that which can be downloaded from their Support Page. It definately takes the shine off... but in the process, the model looses some of its definition and becomes more 2 dimensional looking. Maybe just a little shine on the model wouldn't hurt.

I will definately have a go with Yago's repaint and model shine fix as mentioned above. Thanks for the input!:applause::applause::applause:
