Opinions Wanted!


WooHoo, burned the Mortgage this weekend and the wife and I have given each other permission to go out and get something for each other. After some thought, I have decided to get an FS2004 or FSX add-in.

I fly mostly military and the odd tubeliner. Almost all of my birds are freeware. I only have the Captain Sim MiG-21 and SU 109G's as payware.

What is THE most awesome add-in for FS9 or FSX in your opinion?

Thanks for the input!!!
Can't judge upon the "most awesome" add-in, but considering your preferences, you should purchase a military tube:
The CaptainSim C-130 Hercules!

One of the (few) payware packages I never regretted having bought...


Congrats on burning the mortgage! That is one giant step forward, and you and your wife both deserve the splurge purchase.

If I were in your shoes, I would grab the Alphasim/Virtavia F-106. Now, I have no idea how good it is, have not read any reviews on it...but the 106 is a plane that I would LOVE to have in FS9.

Well, ive just bought BearStudios Mig17, and im loving it, but my all time favorite is the Cloud 9 F4 Phantom, seems to me you have too many choice's already :jump:
cheers ian
Cloud9 F-104 or F-4;
but if your system can handle it; the VRS 'Superbug' F/A-18E

oh and Capt Sim C-130


my favourites:

Captain Sim C130
Cloud9 F4
Aerosoft Beaver
Aerosoft A10
Addictive VC10

Well done on the mortgage, I have a few years left yet!

All the best
Agreed on the Herc. But do your research first if you decide on it. Just Flight offer a box, it includes FS9 and FSX versions for one go IIRC. Captainsim sell them separately and have several add-ons for them (I have them all, fantastic). I'm not sure which versions come in the box, and it has been repackaged at least once to include the FSX version I think, so check which box your looking at. Also Capt Sim often have a decent sale and knock prices down, but I think The older FS9 releases are usually quite cheap anyway.

If you like tubes the CS 707 pack is nice especially the Sentry being included. Other tubes are possibly better with more systems modelled, but that's not my bag. I don't want to spend 45 mins just starting a plane, sometimes 45 mins is all I have to fly at one time.

If you like warbirds, the Warbirsim Mustangs are awesome, I have one pack (II) and love it. TOP QUALITY stuff. Along the same level of quality, Realair Spitfire and SF260, Sibwings Safir.

I also love a lot of the Razbam stuff, although some of it is older still enjoy it immensely. IRIS older FS9 stuff, but that is now graciously FREEWARE, still enjoy it after buying them all.

Oh, so many to choose from - but why not something from MAAM-SIM, brilliant addons AND the money is going to a very worthwhile cause. My personal suggestion would be the C-47, but Briefing Time and the Avenger are equally good.
Wait for a Captain Sim sale if you want the Herc! They've offered it for only €9.99 a few times already, in stead of the €90 they ask for the complete (FsX) set.
Wait for a Captain Sim sale if you want the Herc! They've offered it for only €9.99 a few times already, in stead of the €90 they ask for the complete (FsX) set.

Sound advise and I'm sure I'm not the only one who only buys them on the specials, lol.
My all-time favorite is the Realair Spitfire, then the Flight Replica Me109's.

I'll second the Cloud9 Phantom and the Captainsim C130.

Anything by Carenado fits the bill for GA (except the very earliest Bonanza, which is slightly substandard by their high standard, that is).

Have fun, whatever you buy!
...and of course a great tubeliner/military crossover is the C-17!
I have the Virtavia model, and love it.
It's pricey, but hey, if you're celebrating...
Oh, so many to choose from - but why not something from MAAM-SIM, brilliant addons AND the money is going to a very worthwhile cause. My personal suggestion would be the C-47, but Briefing Time and the Avenger are equally good.

I agree! One of my favorite flyers is the MAAM-SIM Avenger. Right now I'm trying to figure out how to budget for either the R4D/C-47/DC-3 or the B-25. Or, better yet, both! Great planes for (relatively) small money.


Add my vote for anything from MAAM-Sim. I've been flying their R4D/DC-3/C-47 for at least 3 sims and consider it a must-have. The B-25 and Avenger are also great.

If you want a classic tubeliner I recommend the Flight One Boeing 727.

Beautifully detailed and highly accurate.

For a freeware tube , the Tinmouse Boeing 737-200.

Both of these get my thumbs up.

...and of course a great tubeliner/military crossover is the C-17!
I have the Virtavia model, and love it.
It's pricey, but hey, if you're celebrating...

The Area 51 C-17 doesn't look too bad either, and you get both Fs9 and FsX versions for the same price!

Plenty to choose from, but you can't go wrong with Classic Hangar, Virtavia, IRIS, Captain Sim or Aerosoft IMHO. If you buy for FsX make sure your system is up to the job as some add-ons can be quite frame rate heavy.

If you like Canberra's, you can buy a lot of those for very little here (Fs9 only): http://www.flyingstations.com/

And if you want an excellent classic tube, please try the link in my signature!
Well, it looks like I'll really be able to splurge! The wife bought a sapphire ring, so MY budget took a leap upwards. So far, I have purchased the CS Yak-3, acted on OBIO's suggestion of the F-106 (Love delta's!!) and am considering the MiG-15 and 17 from Bear Studios. My drawback with the MiG's stems from my other thread about ACM 2.5 where it was mentioned that it was not possible to tone down the shine on these birds. I want Egyptian and Syrian paints, and every real example I've seen are really scruffy and shine very little....

I have been reading several threads on A/C Carriers, and may take the plunge (literally likely on my early flights :icon_lol:). Can anyone suggest a step by step tutorial on setting up both FS9 and FSX for this? I'd also like suggestions on Carriers. I have the freeware Foch/Clemenceau downloaded but not installed and am thinking of the Su33 and Kuznetsov. Any of you Carrier jockeys who want to jump in here are welcome indeed!
FS9 is not really a good choice for carrier ops.
FSX with Acceleration is the way to go.

If you have FSX and Acceleration (Acceleration brings the features for carrier ops, mainly catapults, arrestor cables, moving carriers, and specific jet planes flight model modifications), then you'll definitely want to download the following FREEWARE stuff:
- the utility nammed AI Carrier 2, which allows you to place a carrier anywhere, anytime, and give it orders to go forward, turn or stop
- the Clemenceau from the RFN (Royale French Navy) website, you already have it ;)
- the Nimitz made by Javier
- the various old-style carriers, like Casablanca, Ark Royal etc... I can't remember the name of the author(s) but those old carriers are extremely cool to land warbirds on :) I believe some of them are on the Flying Station website...
- the Tomcat by Dino Cattaneo
- the T-45 version 2.10 by Dino Cattaneo
- the Etendard from the RFN website
- the Zephir from the RFN website
- the Wyvern from Flying Stations website
- the Swordfish from Flying Stations website
- the Skyraider made by Piglet
- the scenery "carrier tracks" from flightsim.com which will place some AI carriers sailing all around the Hawaiian islands :)

Those are the absolute MUST-HAVEs for carrier ops in FSX.
There are also quite a lot of FS9 birds which will work just nicely in FSX, with minor modifications to the CFG files.