
Explanation on what this attempts to do from LM:
This attempts to optimize multiple parts of a model by combining them into fewer meshes if possible. If you have a complex model that is not already optimized to reduce draw calls etc, this will attempt to do that for you. There is some overhead to this, as it happens at runtime when the model is being loaded and ideally the model would already be optimized before runtime. This only happens for FSX Models, and not older model types.
User feedback sofar indicates that there are no noticable negative side effects and PDMG products benefit most of this.
For those who read my post on the flight server while soh.com was offline. . .this appears to be an isolated incident. I can tell you that I've run the numbers more than once and the results are the same each time. So there is a scenario where this is possible. As long as your system is running as always then all's well. If you find that your sim settings have been changed completely then you might look at this as the culprit. For my part, I saw no change at all with the tweak applied and actually it seems aimed more at FSX PMDG aircraft for the most part although I suppose other FSX aircraft that are poorly optimized may benefit.
Actually the proper entry should read "OPTIMIZE_PARTS=1". OPTIMIZE=1 likely doesn't do anything.
