ORBX FTX Global, etc., versus stock P3D V4


Charter Member
I have run with only REX TD & SC, and FreeMeshX up to this point. Anyone feel the difference in scenery between the two is worth the investment?
Simple answer, yes.
Look on You Tube you should find lots of films comparing stock with FTX Global. Here's one (quite old) showing it in FSX:

I'm wondering the same. I went straight from FSX to P3D4, and the mesh/scenery/roads in my old North Central Texas/Southern Oklahoma haunts look much better/more accurate than FSX to me. I did have GEX/UTX installed since the stock FSX was so awful. Stock P3D likely isn't as pretty as ORBX, but is the massive frame rate hit and stutter from Vector worth it?
I ran with vector on P3D3.4 and at first it slowed it down a lot, once I turned off the extra animation then it was fine. We won't be able to say how global vector will affect V4 until its released.
I absolutely love the ORBX scenery in P3DV4! I have installed FTX Global and all of the west coast scenery titles with the exception of Northern CA and that is next on my list to buy. To quote Captain Kirk from Star Trek IV: My friends! We have come home.
I've been flying FTX SAK and FTX England a lot in v4 and I can say it definitely makes a huge difference. To be sure I wasn't "seeing things" I removed SAK, flew the same places, reinstalled SAK and flew again... chalk and cheese!
Im normally not one to say good things about orbx however this addon has me back in my hole

+1 FTX global replaces all the worlds landclass titles a little like ground environment, however it covers the whole world


as they created their own landclass tiles, there have been some regional conflicts of what land class is shown as it doesnt match the stock landclass list

so this is where like everything you get sucked in to buying more, to get realistic visual terrain, you will need to buy the land class addons, so far they have only covered Europe and North America with the rest to follow

while the land class is not essential be prepared to see odd looking tiles in some regions ie green grass airport bases in the desert or weird things like that

is it worth it, yes its a new looking sim, It has opened the whole world to the user who likes eye candy outside their payware region addons.

is the landclass worth it, also yes it ties the 3 packages in and makes it look like a new sim all together

now the 3 rd package in the lot is Vector, which is yet to be v4 ready as they are waiting for a 4th party to come up with the goods
I'm still reluctant. My modest unclocked 7600k, 6GB 1060, and 16GB DDR4 gets 40+ fps in the A2A Texan over New York with all settings on high/very dense other than water/shadows. No stutters. Anything under 30 is unacceptable to me, and I'm not willing to turn down the sliders. Somebody convince me I won't be looking at frame rates in the 20s. Pleeeeeeeeeeease? :adoration:

I'm still reluctant. My modest unclocked 7600k, 6GB 1060, and 16GB DDR4 gets 40+ fps in the A2A Texan over New York with all settings on high/very dense other than water/shadows. No stutters. Anything under 30 is unacceptable to me, and I'm not willing to turn down the sliders. Somebody convince me I won't be looking at frame rates in the 20s. Pleeeeeeeeeeease? :adoration:


I don't understand why you feel the need to have more than 30 FPS? Aren't movies in theaters run at 20 FPS? I think I read where the human eye can not detect more than about 30 FPS (I could be wrong about this.) I know that in first person shooter games higher frame rates can help you avoid getting shot, yourself. Not so in flying sims, however.

I find that if I fly around 20 FPS or better the sim is smooth and the aircraft is very controllable. I often fly fighters that need a higher FPS to control, especially on landing. So more than 30 FPS, to me, seems like mostly bragging rights.

If I am incorrect with my information, somebody please educate me.
I find that if I fly around 20 FPS or better the sim is smooth and the aircraft is very controllable. I often fly fighters that need a higher FPS to control, especially on landing. So more than 30 FPS, to me, seems like mostly bragging rights.

I primarily fly warbirds, and have always found 30fps to be my lower limit. Maybe it's my awful eyesight, but I do notice when it's below that line. I tried cavaricooper's suggestion to lock it at 20, but I couldn't tolerate it, even gave me a headache. This is my first rig that's been able to get above that, previous high was around 25 with addons. I only quoted the 40+ because that's what I was getting before setting it at 30. Once I add ASP4/ASCA, I expect a considerable drop, probably down to the 30. If I go with GEX P3D World/UTX, it won't drop. I fear it will with Global/openLC/Vector. But the latter is soooo much prettier...

... I fear it will with Global/openLC/Vector. But the latter is soooo much prettier...


And accurate. I have UTX NA and I couldn't recognize my home town, where I grew up and learned to fly. They showed a village where there is a city of 50,000. I bought FTX Global and my home town was back.
It's been decided for me. I knew ORBX didn't take PayPal, but they only take Visa, Mastercard, and American Express? Sheesh! :frown-new:
Thanks, Penzoil. I've deliberately stuck to having just one card, and won't get another, prepaid or not, just for some scenery.
Just took a couple of short hops after installing and it was well worth the money.


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