Charter Member
I have run with only REX TD & SC, and FreeMeshX up to this point. Anyone feel the difference in scenery between the two is worth the investment?
I'm still reluctant. My modest unclocked 7600k, 6GB 1060, and 16GB DDR4 gets 40+ fps in the A2A Texan over New York with all settings on high/very dense other than water/shadows. No stutters. Anything under 30 is unacceptable to me, and I'm not willing to turn down the sliders. Somebody convince me I won't be looking at frame rates in the 20s. Pleeeeeeeeeeease?
I find that if I fly around 20 FPS or better the sim is smooth and the aircraft is very controllable. I often fly fighters that need a higher FPS to control, especially on landing. So more than 30 FPS, to me, seems like mostly bragging rights.
... I fear it will with Global/openLC/Vector. But the latter is soooo much prettier...