Orbx Optica

Tried the freeware version and it isn't a finished product and a dog on frame rates. Needs to be optimized and snuffed up.

I asked NewkTV (of Aerosoar) on his YT what happened to the flightsim.to portover project. If he's active here he might chime in of course, but the gist is that he removed it as he was close to releasing a native version, but ORBX's announcement of their own unrelated native version may put his native version on ice.
I don't see why he should shelve his own native version. There are always people on a budget (ME!) that might just try out the freeware, and if it fills the need, might decide not to go the payware route.
I don't see why he should shelve his own native version. There are always people on a budget (ME!) that might just try out the freeware, and if it fills the need, might decide not to go the payware route.

Tom (or anyone else here, for that matter!), I have that freeware Optica, if needed.... NC
I had it, and, well, let's just say it had issues. I'm spoiled on the detail of the defaults (never thought I'd say that), so I'll hold off for something native.

To be honest, if the native freeware is at least "good," it's ORBX that should be worried!
The good news is NewkTV didn't shelf the project after all, and the freeware Aerosoar Optica releases tonight atound 1AM CST!
The freeware is UP on flightsim.to. Trending. FUN!
