Orbx Supporting Ukrainian Dev's

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Real support would be Europe and the US establishing a no-fly zone.

This has gone far enough. It's not even politics. It's a seriously damaged person wanting to forget about the demise of the USSR.

Not politics, pure psychology.

Priller ​waiting for the ban
​waiting for the ban
There wouldn't be a ban, but just a frog's hair more might close the thread. For now, take this...


Since this post has been opened, I have an emotional thought for the FSG developer who has been describing his ongoing PC-6 for almost a year.

Living in Kyiv,h He was forced to stop his development to defend his country.

May luck be with him and his compatriots.

Agree. I've been able to keep in touch with one of the FSG developers thanks to that thread. He seems to be doing OK so far, for which I'm grateful. The developers seem to appreciate messages of support.

I'm grateful to the MSFS forum moderators for allowing the thread to continue and tacitly waive their usual restrictions on topical discussion. That in my mind shows good judgement and is appropriately responsive to a grave crisis.

I see that FS Elite has also taken a stand. Good for them!

It's a time to stand up.
I don't see a community coming together to support their own members, regardless of the source of the hardship, as political. What can very easily turn political is discussing the merits of one country, or its leader, vs. the merits of another country or its leader.
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