

Does anybody know where I can find the oshkosh3.zip. Mine is corrupted somehow and all the links Im google come up dead.

Or even better is there a new oshkosh scenery that I dont know about?

New Oshkosh Scenery is LONG overdue!!! ORBX/FTX is missing out. That should be a stand alone airfield the offer. Normal Oshkosh scenery showcasing all the little nuances of Wittman Field. Then start increasing the scenery around the grounds and Camp Scholler from the first week of July to the start of AirVenture. The week of EAA AirVenture the scenery could be just spectacular, with AI Ford TriMotor's flying around, Bell 47's going round and round and Aluminum Overcast going over every hour or so. Then as the week draws to a close start gradually scaling the scenery back to a normal Wittman Field. Deep snow in January should be considered too with the ability to fly skiplanes into Pioneer in January for the Skiplane Flyin.

Tell me that wouldn't be a popular scenery add-on?!?!?!?
jackryan172, try this one: kosh-airventure-roy.zip over at FlightSim. FS2004 Scenery--Wittman Regional Airport (KOSH), Oshkosh, Wisconsin (WI). Eye candy added to EAA Airventure. By Roy Perkins.

I seem to be missing some of the libraries required (no additional aircraft showed up, however some new tents did appear), so I know that the scenery is active and I have some of the libraries. I looked on the usual sites for the libraries referenced but had no luck finding them. Have they been renamed or something?
