I didn't have the B-29, but I did have the others - Stirling, Lanc, Wimpey, Fort, Lib, etc. The Stirling is still the only one available, and it had a beautiful David Brown (?) tractor and a row of bomb trolleys. Still useful stuff if you like doing dioramas.
And all the little men! Cowboys, Tarzan set, Ancient Britons and so on, never mind the military ones. A good pub game with the right sort of people of our age is the "Guess which set" - you stand in the pose of one of the Airfix little men, and the one who finds it wins, and then everybody hasd to drink several pints. The precise rules are a bit fuzzy...
I used to win every time with the Lambretta rider from the "Civilians" set... And the standing African warrior from "Tarzan!"