OT Airfix kits.


Charter Member 2016
Only Airfix - not Revell or Frog or anything; only Airfix, from the good old days.

Which were your favourite aircraft?

Mine - Kittyhawk, F-4 Phantom, FW190D and Do-17E all bring back warm, happy thoughts!
I remember having an Hurricane MkI with the very crude rivet work in the late '60's then later buying thier Mk II kit which gave you the option to build the Hurribomber or the IIC or 40mm IID. I am old enough to remember the instructions for the Hood I had (and all early kits) was originally all English and had very detailed text which told you the name of every part!
....a particularly excruciating form of torture was gluing all the bogies onto all the axels of the Churchill tank, there seemed no end to them... and then to try to wrap the rubber tank track around and close that so it looked like something half decent...:greenf:
When I was in my early teens I had over 40 plastic models (mostly Airfix ones) hanging from my bedroom ceiling on fishing line or arranged around the room on various flat surfaces. For me the most memorable (for various reasons) were the Catalina, Hercules, Short's Sunderland, 4ft tall Saturn V and the Luna Lander. I guess the larger models are more memorable than the host of 1/72 fighters I built.
Blimey mate I had all those. I was really into Project Apollo, so that I also had the Saturn IIB as well. I think the largest aircraft I had (1:72 scale) was the B-29. I remember all the internal detail. the internal crawl tubes connecting one pressurised section to another and the bomb bays.

I didn't have the B-29, but I did have the others - Stirling, Lanc, Wimpey, Fort, Lib, etc. The Stirling is still the only one available, and it had a beautiful David Brown (?) tractor and a row of bomb trolleys. Still useful stuff if you like doing dioramas.

And all the little men! Cowboys, Tarzan set, Ancient Britons and so on, never mind the military ones. A good pub game with the right sort of people of our age is the "Guess which set" - you stand in the pose of one of the Airfix little men, and the one who finds it wins, and then everybody hasd to drink several pints. The precise rules are a bit fuzzy...

I used to win every time with the Lambretta rider from the "Civilians" set... And the standing African warrior from "Tarzan!"
Hi Nigel, i remember this topic from a couple years back when airfix went under.

i have loads of mode kits waiting to be built, mainly of the aircraft i am currently doing 3d models of.
A good pub game with the right sort of people of our age is the "Guess which set" - you stand in the pose of one of the Airfix little men, and the one who finds it wins, and then everybody hasd to drink several pints. The precise rules are a bit fuzzy...

I used to win every time with the Lambretta rider from the "Civilians" set... And the standing African warrior from "Tarzan!"

I used to be in a pub quiz team and one a round on my own by naming the manufacturers of WWII aircraft, that was more down to remembering kits I'd built than any books I've read since my Airfix days.
