As long as it's no longer "Brothers in Fences" I might give it a go
He he. That drove me nuts about the previous ones too. The second BIA the levels were so boxy I gave up on because it felt very much like 3D Pacman.
...How linear and scripted is the game? Does it have good replay value for single player?
It is quite linear, depending upon your perspective. It's about as linear as say Call of Duty 4. You don't have the full freedom to move about the battlefield like Hidden & Dangerous or Operation Flashpoint, but there are almost always several ways of approaching the enemy. So it's not totally linear like the old FPSs. There are still fences et al constraining you from going our of bounds, however the realism and detail of the environments were so gorgeous that it made up for it for me this time. There was always enough variety in the mapping that it never bothered me that you couldn't go everywhere you could IRL. But if you are one of those people who would be infuriated by not being able to climb every fence you could IRL, this is not the game for you. Incidentally you (and the AI) can mantle over most barriers now, just not the out-of-bounds ones.
There are some really nice trees and hedges etc. (Speedtree!) The devs have recreated many battlefields in great detail - based upon photos and buildings still standing today. There are some stunning fire and rain effects. The lighting in this game really impressed me.
It's not a super long single player game. It took me a couple of days play to get through at medium difficulty level. People playing on easy have got through in six or seven hours. I am not sure I would bother playing the single player again, although maybe months later - since some levels were quite stunning. The multiplayer is not very well developed. If you are not sure about buying it would be a good game to get as a rental.
On the PC version I have not had the aiming problem that redhammer had. Whenever an enemy has had any of their body exposed, I have been able to hit it, including MGers. I have had more long range headshots strike home than I thought I probably deserved. Although I did have the crosshair on. =p
...15 mins later went back and they were still there doing the same, probably about 5000 rounds of ammo later no one dead etc
I did not like that about the previous BIAs either. Worse, even your own shots were pre-destined to miss if the enemy were behind cover in the last versions. Not now.
Generally your AI squadmates will not take out the enemy if the enemy are in the best cover (concrete, metal, earth embankments etc). I don't have a problem with that as it would be boring if my squadmates took out everything without any thought or action on my part. Your AI squadmates are also effective at taking out exposed enemies, so it is very effective flanking or storming the enemy to get them to displace and/or flee.
The destruction system is very impressive. I have not seen a better one on PC and certainly not in a WWII game. Wooden fences are chewed up by MGs. Sandbags fly everywhere with explosives. I doubt grenades do IRL what they do in BIA:HH, but it sure feels satisfying. =) There is, incidentally, quite a lot of gore (optional in settings), without being totally unrealistic. I was surprised how much work had gone into that.
The new cover system also works very well in game. I believe it is like Gears of War, in that you can take cover yourself behind anything and it switches to a third person view. From there you can move under cover and lean out or over things to look and fire. It works really nicely.
From me I would give:
Graphics : 9/10 Nicely optimised Unreal engine 3. Excellent animation.
Sound and Music : 8/10
Level Design : 9/10 Very impressive variety, but rather small levels due to PS3 512MB Ram contraints
Gameplay : 8/10 Very good at what it does. Only at the end did I think of a few things that could (and perhaps should) have been added.
Story : 8/10 Quite impressive for a video game.
Multiplayer : 4/10
Since I am a WWII enthusiast, take off a point or two if you are not.