OT Duxford pics

ian elliot

Spent a very enjoyable day up at Duxford today, the last show of the season until next year, there was'nt a lot i had'nt seen before but it was a very good display anyway, figured i'd share a few pics, ive only a point and shoot so the airbourne pics are a bit blurrie but i quite like the atmosphere on some of them.
My biggest disapiontment was accidently altering the resolution settings on my digital to the lowest possable during the first half of the show, wanted some pics of the Golden Apple F-86 Sabre before she leaves the UK for the United States next year, but that did'nt come out too good.
cheers ian

Ian I have always liked Duxford, yet have never seen it from the air until three weeks ago when returning to Luton from holiday at the Black Sea. Vectors for approach to Luton routed our A320 four miles left-facing the Duxford Apron.

I looked out of the window just as the clouds cleared to see Duxford in all her glory in open display. It looked wonderful to say the least. I couldn’t help thinking of how different it must have looked to a German pilot in the summer of 1940. It also brought to mind Douglas Bader whom I met at Durban Airport, along with his wife some years before his death. I think he was on one of his trips associated with Shell Petroleum as he flew into Durban in his well known Moonie. Still, nice pics, thanks.