OT: EF Typhoon


Charter Member
I know this isn't MSFS but I also know there are A LOT of EF Typhoon lovers in this crowd. In case you missed it, because it was posted under an innocuous title of "Heatblur Roadmap" in the other forum. Here's the announcement trailer.

Thanks for the HU. And indeed, as you rightly say, DCS isn't MSFS. A couple of days ago, I tried out DCS again, and it was a disappointment. Terrain graphics are cartoonish at best.

I gues that those of us who went for MSFS are spoiled. No sim comes close in the graphics department.

I'm waiting for Dino to get his Typhoon into the sim. I flew the wings off of it in Prepared. But we're getting the F-35s first; no complaints on my part.
I understand there's DCS Forum. :encouragement: The point is that there's a lot people in this Forum who are interested in the EF Typhoon who wouldn't open up the DCS forum because it has the plague apparently. It was just a friendly HU for those die hard EF Typhoon folks; so they could skip the DCS forum and just watch the video. It's not a 'this sim is better than that sim' post. I thought the video was a great video of real time play and wanted to share it with others who would enjoy it as well. As a side -- I also own and operate MSFS.
Thanks for the HU. And indeed, as you rightly say, DCS isn't MSFS. A couple of days ago, I tried out DCS again, and it was a disappointment. Terrain graphics are cartoonish at best.

I gues that those of us who went for MSFS are spoiled. No sim comes close in the graphics department.


I barely look out the window in DCS , and if I do I'm either looking at the sky searching for another plane or the ground trying to spot a ground target. I don't even turn my terrain graphics up much, to leave more performance space for instruments, sensors, flight dynamics and VR. For the most part DCS is heavily study level, so especially in the more modern jets you will be spending a lot of time head down. The water on the other hand is spectacular in DCS, so it's great flying off a carrier.
If I offended anyone of the DCS crowd/community, then I appologize.


Thanks for the HU. And indeed, as you rightly say, DCS isn't MSFS. A couple of days ago, I tried out DCS again, and it was a disappointment. Terrain graphics are cartoonish at best.

I gues that those of us who went for MSFS are spoiled. No sim comes close in the graphics department.


I think the graphics are at least, if not better, than the P3D graphics. I rarely have time to admire the terrain features. I am too busy looking for bandits. The ONLY time I have not gotten shot down in DCS is this P-47 Quick action where I get to ground attack APCs with no German aircraft looking to shoot me down. In most of these quick actions I am hosed before I can find the weapons ARM switch. :)